Chapter 1: Meeting

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Author's note: Hi, this is my first, so if it's bs I get it lol. In this AU Lilith died and Lucifer is a more present parent, he does call his daughter but still doesn't visit a lot. Anyway, enjoy ig.

In his office full of rubber ducks, Lucifer was nervous, he planned this for weeks. He decided he was going to visit his little girl in her hotel. They called frequently, but the demon king didn't visit her for her new project yet.

He wasn't sure of what to say to Charlie, the devil wanted it to be a surprise. He decided to go on a thinking walk. He went past the numerous piles of ducks and walked through the door.

Hell was a mess, it had always been, but Lucifer didn't go out too often.

He finally arrived to the Hazbin Hotel. Lucifer knocked the door, still kinda nervous but mostly excited. Charlie, happily opened the door, thinking it was a customer.

"Welcome to the... dad! It's so nice to see you! You didn't tell me you were visiting, I would have prepared everything here." the princess was happy to see her father again, but she hadn't prepared herself or the hotel for a visit. "Umm, dad, could you wait out here for a second? I gotta tell the employees we have an important guest."

Lucifer was a bit confused but he didn't think much about it. At first.

-Inside the hotel-

Charlie was hyperventilating, she loved her father, but if she wanted his support, she had to make the hotel (and the people in it) look great. Which was practically impossible. Everyone was doing whatever they wanted.

What to do, what to do? They won't listen to me, especially Angel. "Okay everybody, I'm calling a meeting right now." I have to get them to behave for dad.

"Alright, soo, today we have a surprise guest here! Can you guess who it is?" Angel answered "Is the guest hot?" I can't believe him sometimes but I gotta keep my cool "Angel, this is serious. Today, Lucifer, my dad, is visiting us!".

"You mean the king of hell?" Alastor appeared from nowhere. Why does he look suddenly interested? Whatever, I guess he can help me out. "Yes, my dad. So, since he's here, I'll need you to behave politely and try to give a great image to the hotel, alright?" maybe it'll be okay I suppose.

"You didn't answer my questionn, is he hot?" Angel is a bitch.

-Outside the hotel-

Alright, it's ok, your daughter just saw you and left you waiting outside. All alone. Why didn't she let me in? Does she not want to see me? Was the surprise too much? I thought she liked surprises. Maybe I don't really know her at all. How can I not know if my daughter likes or not surprises? Am I that bad of a parent? Ok, ok stop it. You're overthinking. Again. As always. Why am I like this? She'll be back soon. I hope.

Ok, I think I hear footsteps. Alright, act cool or something. I don't know how to do that. Just do whatever. What do you mean? Just be a cool dad. Ok stop. Again. Damnit. Oh, someone is opening the door. Just, look cool.

"Greetings, Lucifer, king of hell." why the fuck is the radio demon here. "Um, greetings?" What did Charlie get herself into? Is he blackmailing her or something? If he is I'll fucking kill him.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. Charlie is having a meeting right now and she asked me to let you in." the demon seems amused. Why is he grinning like that? He's weird, but No, no, not doing this. Stop thinking bullshit, you're always like this.

"Yeah, a pleasure. Where is Charlie? I need to talk to her." I need to know what his deal is.

" I believe she is with Vaggie, her female partner. Should I ask her to come and greet you?" He is creepy as fuck. "Sure, thanks, uhh... Radio demon." What was his name again? Whatever, I have to talk to Charlie about this. "My name is Alastor, pardon my lack of manners." still creepy but his name is pretty. I like it. Wait what, no I don't. Do I?

Thanks for reading!! If people like this I'll do a part 2
Word count:743

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