Chapter12: Ending

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Author's note: I'M SORRY. Ik I disappeared lmao it's just that I had a trip, then I came back to exams, then I got sick and now I'm supposed to be working on assignments. But I'll finish this one and when school ends (finally) maybe I'll do another one. This is the last part btw. :'D

Alastor and the Devil entered the woods. After a small walk they arrived near a lake. Under the moonlight was a blanket on the floor with some homemade food and a couple of candles to light the place. Lucifer looked at the scenery amazed by what his lover had prepared. He knew it took him a lot of thinking and planning.

The Radio Demon, satisfied with his work, waited patiently for the reaction of the King. He tried really hard for this date to be enjoyable.

This is perfect. And to think he did all of it just for me. I really do not deserve this, I don't deserve him. He is so amazing, caring, beautiful. And what am I? A cranky depressed dwarf. How did I even manage to pull him. I'm not charming at all. Shit I have been thinking for a bit now. He must wonder if I liked it. I love it! What if he thinks I do not because I am not saying anything. I should say something. But what?

Ahhh, why am I so weird? This is going to become so awkward. He is going to hate me, isn't he? Just answer something you idiot.

"This is so... wow. I, um, really love you- it. I mean I love it. It is really nice. Haha." WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. And why did that laugh sound so awkwardly fake. I am such a mess. He is going to leave me. He deserves better anyway.

He is so obviously overthinking. But I think he enjoys it. At least I hope so. He looks so adorable. I know he is nervous, it shows on his face. I suppose I can only wait until the debate is over.

I really want to kiss him. And sit next to him. And talk to him. And share food together. Then maybe kiss again? I also got a couple books that I believe he likes a lot. We could start one together. And when we have to go back, I can give him another gift with some flowers.

Maybe then he would accept a second date with me. That would make me happy. I think he is going to say something.

"This is so... wow. I, um, really love you- it. I mean I love it. It is really nice. Haha."

Well, now I know he liked it. And it is funny to see him so nervous. He really is a wonderful person. And I really love him, too. But I will say that to later.

"I am glad you like it. Let's take a seat?" I really like those adorable blushing expressions of his.

"Alright, let's do that. Haha, sit together. Very well." he looks even more nervous, I should try to ease the tension.

"Then, darling, take a seat on this cushion, I will sit right next to you." he got even more red, I love when that happens.

Alastor and Lucifer sat together as they ate a little in silence. The Devil was thinking of the worst outcomes of the date and the Radio Demon had no idea how to start a conversation. So he just asked him a question.

"Can we kiss?" there wasn't anything else on his mind when he said it.

Lucifer stopped his internal monologue and started blushing, he didn't really expect that.

"We can" he was nervous, but he wanted to kiss him as well.

The King stayed put and closed his eyes as the Radio Demon got closer. They kissed, starting at a slow pace so that Lucifer would be comfortable, but it was him who licked Alastor's lips asking for tongue. It didn't take long for them to start fully making out. The Radio Demon leaned forward, pushing his partner towards the blanket. He got on top of the Devil and stopped the kiss to ask him.

"Could I, perhaps, touch you..?" he was a bit scared, he didn't know if he was stepping out of boundaries.

"Y- you can." he wanted him to.

Alastor took the King's blazer off and placed his hand under his shirt as they resumed their kiss. The Radio Demon then pressed his body against his partner's.

After a while (ikyk) they both went back to the hotel, Alastor left Lucifer at the door of his room. But the Devil held his hand to stop him from leaving.

"I, uhm, really enjoyed everything we did today. And I was hoping that, uhm, maybe we could do it again soon?" he was so embarrassed he didn't even want to look at him.

"Of course we can, darling. I also have something to tell you." he noticed his lover's nervousness and grabbed his chin so that they would lock eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


Again, sorry. This is the last part of the story (finally, ik). I hope it wasn't horrible. Thank you all for your support as well! I (somehow) managed to get to 24k views and I really appreciate it!! I enjoyed making this story even if it took me ages (sorry abt that lol). Have a great day! ;)

Word count: 928

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