Chapter 11: Ready

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Author's note: Sorry. Again. Ik I'm taking longer to update, I just got stuff to do since I'm not on vacation anymore. The next chapter will probably be the last one btw.

Alastor and Charlie arrived to Rosie's emporium. They walked past some cannibals, until they saw Rosie talking to a couple of women. She immediately pushed them away and went happily towards the newcomers .

"Alastor, dear! Oh, and you brought this sweetheart again! What can I do for you? Come have a seat over here." She lead them to the sofas for them to sit on while they greeted her as well.

"Why, it is a pleasure to see you again. I may have found myself in need of assistance, for a, uh, romantic reason. The princess here thought coming here would serve that purpose." the Radio Demon blushed a bit, asking for help was humiliating af.

"Is that so? You know I love to hear about these things! Tell me the details!" she was invested now.

"I may or may not be seeing the King of Hell. As strange as that may appear to you." he became quite flustered while speaking about it.

"Ohhh! That is so adorable! And you need me because you have a date with him!" she looked happier about it than him lol.

"Yes, that is correct. I am, however, reevaluating my decisions." he wanted to bury himself six feet under, under ground.

"Come with me! I have the perfect suit for this!" they all followed Rosie through the door and to a dressing room. Alastor tried on the suit his friend gave him and it was perfect. A black suit with a dark red bow tie. The girls looked at him excitedly waiting for his opinion.

"I think it is alright. Do you believe he will enjoy seeing me like this?" Rosie and Charlie smiled.

"Of course he will! He likes this stuff, he's corny asf." Charlie knew Lucifer would be very happy with Alastor's effort.

"Where will you be going with him?" Rosie was very interested in this.

"I know a nice forest not far from the hotel. I have also prepared some food for us to eat there." He looked happy and a bit embarrassed when he explained what he planned.

Alright so I need something to wear. But I don't even know where he will take me to. Aaa, maybe I should go more casual? No, no, I am sure he will go all out for this.

Maybe my usual suit? Is that too little? Maybe I should put on something different. I could go for a black and white suit? Very well then, I guess I will decide to go like this before I panic and change my mind. What about my hat? I mean, I could go without it. Will my head look weird? What if he thinks I look like an egg or something. Whatever, the hat doesn't match, I will have to go without it.

Very well, now is the time. I should go to his room as everything is prepared in the woods. I wonder what he is wearing. Here it is, is he ready?

*knock knock* (who's there? ur dad.)

Oh he's opening up. A suit, that always looks great on him. This one is different than the usual one. I like it. He also took his hat off. He looks even shorter, I however like that. He blushing too, that's adorable.

His hair is beautiful, and his nervousness makes me want to kiss him right away. Should I wait until we are in the forest or should I start something here? Just by looking at him I am getting so tempted.

"I would like to kiss you just by seeing you like this. Would you allow me to?"
He couldn't really resist it, and Lucifer started to blush harder than ever.

Afghdsknoksd why is he so handsome. I must be blushing way too much for him to look at me that way. He did like the outfit. I like his as well. I like him. And he wants to kiss me. I want to kiss him too. Should I say that? Will it be weird? No it will not, he asked. Will it? No, and he's waiting for me. Just fucking answer him.

"Yes." So much thinking and it's simple as that. Why am I like this sometimes, it isn't that hard.

Alastor was very happy with the response of the Devil. Even if he looked like there was an internal debate going on in his head. He stepped towards him a little. Lucifer stopped thinking and looked at the Radio Demon.

They smiled at each other, as Alastor slipped his arms around the King's waist. He did the same and felt a little deer tail in there. That was so cute. The Radio Demon went in for a small kiss on the lips. Lucifer wanted to go on with it.

It ended up being a small make out session, before they stopped it so they could breathe. Alastor took the Devil's hand and walked with him in silence towards the picnic in the woods he planned for them. They were both very happy. They loved each other.

Hii, sorry again, I hope it's not badd
Word count: 898

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