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Name: Siddhi Bhat
Age: 21

Currently doing her masters in Microbiology.
A confused soul, who keeps learning new things about herself everyday. Makes a lot of mistakes but learns from them. Desperately needs to figure out life after college.
Likes to sleep, read her romance novels then complain about how life is so unfair.

Name: Priya Shirolkar
Age: 22

Currently doing her masters in Microbiology along with Siddhi.
Determined and works hard towards her goals. Believes in being good to people who are good. Loves her plants. Away from home since she was 18 years old.

Note: I have introduced only the female leads, and not the other characters for the sake of plot line.. As we go about the story, new characters will be introduced. Hope you like this piece...

With love
Tryna figureout

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