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"Did my heart just skip a beat because I saw him smile?", "I definitely need help". I am someone who has grown up watching Shahrukh movies, so my alter ego could never let me compromise for anybody less than Shahrukh himself. Well, not everybody can be him, and I am no heroine myself to expect anybody in their right mind, men or women irrespective of the gender to fall for me. This is how I have been bought up. A not so well built, thin layer of light brown skin which I inherited from amma, and a 5' 7'' height, I received as a gift from Appa, not so healthy hair and extremely prominent high nose, were not a matter of great prominence in my household. I am just a normal brown girl, going through the difficulties of trying to be an 'adult' as the world calls it.

So when I say, my heart skipped a beat, its not an exaggeration from all the movies I have been feeding my brain, since I was a child... but actually, really, genuinely skipped a beat. I even sat there and wondered "Ah, so it really does happen". That also doesn't mean that I have never felt how heart skips beat, but the fact that it never did what it did just now seeing someone. Someone who is not my lecturer entering the class with my exam papers, someone who did not make a big blunder in her experiment and later realised it. Someone who forgot to keep micropipette tips for autoclaving, but someone, someone who I have never made conversations with but only admired from far. Hence, with all this result interpretation I did, I concluded that I need help because I was in big trouble.

While I was interpreting this canon event, my loud friend Priya elbowed me, and I realised I had been staring at him for quite a few seconds. Before I turned my head towards Priya, I saw him still smiling. It really could not have been possible that he was smiling at me, or was he? I think he was. A small smile seeped onto my lips hidden beneath the mask. What a great start to the week. I was extremely shocked and thankful to my luck. Just when I was about to give my full attention towards Priya, I saw a very attractive woman pass by. She wore a beautiful light blue seere (sari) with her hair tied into a bun, a prominent big round black bindi in between her brows. A goddess. Only to realise, that this goddess made her way towards that man, who I cant scientifically hypothesise and figure out, because as I mentioned earlier, I have not had any conversation with him; and sat next to him. Yes, this is exactly the kind of luck I can expect. There definitely was no way that someone that I am inquisitive about, probably in the future would want to have a conversation with that someone who doesn't know about my existence smiles at me, A random stranger. Exactly, there was no such way. I chuckled at myself for being so naïve and turned to talk to Priya.

As Priya and Siddhi were animatedly having a conversation, there was a pair of eyes, that looked at them from afar, with a light soft smile and wondered, "So much energy in the morning everyday.. too cute"

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