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It was 7:30 in the morning, long gone the days when early mornings sounded of chirping birds and the calves calling out their mothers. Siddhi was running around her home, trying to find for the books she had kept aside at night. "Books, wallet, money, metro cards, bus pass, umbrella, labcoat...." Amma (mother) called out the list reminding her. "Ah! yes labcoat", Siddhi remembered and dashed towards the terrace to fetch it. The sounds of her anklets jingling as she was climbing up the stairs filled the air. Finally, she packed her bag, took blessings from her parents and left for college along with her Appa (father) who dropped her to the metro station.

"Thank you, appa" she said and ran to the platform. In her casual black jeans and maroon kurti, Siddhi wore her sports shoes and her oxidised metal bangles on one hand, her watch on the other, she finished her frisking and reached the platform. The train would be arriving in 5 minutes, she sighed and sat down on the chair. Breathing heavily, she looked around, with hardly 20 people, the silence calmed her. The pigeons who had now made the metro station their new place, sat on the railings and flew around happily. Siddhi smiled and prayed for a good day.

Siddhi boarded the train, immediately her eyes started looking for someone as she found a place to sit down. Siddhi placed her bag on her lap, her head slowly, trying not to brush off as desperate, was still finding for that certain someone. Then there he was, a little too far from her but in the same compartment. She let out a small smile beneath her mask, and giggled at her naievity. "Why am I looking for him? He does not even know my existence and I have no intensions of making him aware of it as well..", her train of thoughts stopped when her friend, got into the metro and exclaimed a big hello, that probably half the train heard. Just when she was having thoughts of jumping out of the train, because of her embarrassing loud voice friend, she found his attention towards them, and she was not sure if she was hallucinating, but she was could swear she saw him smile for the first time, her heart skipped a beat.... "Urgh, I am in big trouble, aren't I?" she wondered.

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