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I woke up from my bed, as amma sang her morning prayers. Another day of not waking up to the alarm but my mother's melodious voice. I finished my morning routine, and got down to the kitchen as I wished amma a good morning by hugging her. She shooed me away like she always does and I dint let her go as I always do. "You will be married in a year or two, and you still act like a small boy around your mother", she said as she actioned to punch me. I dodged and ran back to the floor with my plate with hot Dose and chutney (a south Indian breakfast). "Do you have the time to pack your lunch box? I can do it for you." amma offered to help. "Amma, it's okay. I woke up early so I can do it by myself. Thank you" I told her as I finished my breakfast and did the dishes. "Thank you" amma says and I smile at her. I walk back to my room, took my already packed bag, and other necessities to reach college. I hugged amma and took her blessings, and did a small prayer in the temple room and left, ready for a fresh new day.

While I was on my way to the college where I teach, my phone vibrated. I took the call and my favourite junior who is also my best friend spoke from the other side "Are we meeting today?" Avi asked. "What time? Where? I am free after 9 pm" he continued. "Too late, so come home" I said. He agreed in an instant and cut the call.

As I reached college, I unpacked my text book to revise before I go and teach the class. The students are a little challenging. Too young to be considered adult college students, too old to be considered young. A weird age, full of hormones, unaware of how cruel the world can be. Somewhere I feel, everything I say, can make at the least, a small impact on their future. For them to be able to deal with things with utmost patience, deep thoughts and hope, something I had to learn all by myself. I walked out of the empty staff room, and entered my favourite place. In front of the chalk and board facing young minds before me, ready to correct me whenever I make mistakes, which is the best part about being a teacher and not a lecturer. I make happy mistakes. But am I given the same privilege of making mistakes outside this classroom? No.

The class went as planned. I could see a few enthusiastic heads nodding when I taught them about personal and food hygiene, how there are microbes that can outsmart us and make us ill. there were a bunch of other smart kids as well who sit in class and wonder why are they even studying all this. Some yet to realise that science is not their cup of tea, but can do so much better if they were doing the things that they love. This is what my students teach me, to do what I love, which I am. I cannot see myself elsewhere, if not here in this field. Although, I feel like there is a small piece of the puzzle missing. I am finding for that piece. I am unaware of what that is, but I know for sure that I am missing something

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