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It is 7 in the morning and I have to reach college in an hour. Thankfully, as it a weekend and not a peak hour for traffic, time is by my side. Fortunately, I reached the metro on time, with a heavy luggage in my hands that have some of the parts that has to be assembled for our model exhibition. To my surprise, I even got an auto without having to wait for long. The driver was so helpful that he even got off the luggage as he noticed me being careful with it. Luckily, I even had the exact change for the fare. This could happen only once in never, but it did, everything continued to fall in place which got me worried. Anyways, events as rare as today, where there was no hurdle for me to cry and solve, I thanked God for showing me his mercy on this important day.

I saw Avi walking towards me to help. Just when I had to take a left turn, carrying the "important parts of the model" from the entrance gate, my world collapsed. I do not mean this as an exaggerated expression, but it really happened. My world, which was the model in my hand, and I both realised the power of the ground. A fall not so bad, but enough to detach a wire and pour all the hard work in the water of my internal sorrows and tears.

As I tried to steady myself from the awkward position I had fallen (with the model in both my hands, elbow supporting the ground to avoid, my world from collapsing further, one of my knees in a proposal position, well basically extremely awkward), Avi came running to me, probably confused to be happy to see my plight or cry over the model, I saw him smirking but helping me get up. "The model first", I said, my voice a little shaking maybe due to shock. Avi took the model, and I stood up. My legs were shivering a little bit. I looked down at my footwear, and thought, yeah, this thing really did slip the soul out of my body, and now even the model. I hit Avi seeing him giggling, and I started laughing too.

"We need to fix it in 30 minutes", Avi said.

"15 will be enough once we reach the lab", I replied.

"Can you walk?"

"Yes, I should", I said and took the slippers in my hand and started frisk walking, along with Avi.

"I'm glad nobody saw me in that awkward position", I remembered it, as my head was replaying it again and again.

"It's okay, now let us tell the others and fix the issue".

Once we reached the lab, I had to explain everything and we immediately got into work. My amazing group mates were kind enough to not blame me, which I did it on their behalf, and we fixed it together. "Thank you, and I am very sorry", I hugged Priya. She patted my back and I melted in her warm embrace. I want to be like her. She is calm and patient in all kinds of situation, which I could never.

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