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Siddhi, is an aspiring college student in her 20's, surviving it along with her soul sister / best friend Priya. Everyday is a new experience for her. Everyday is a lesson, learning new ways to dealing with herself being an adult, learning new ways to handle annoying people, learning from people around her. Most importantly, learning about her own self. Bound by the restrictions or rather boundaries as she calls it, of her family, of the "boundaries" that she herself has drawn around people, insecurities and fear, What happens when she attends that very particular Science exhibition? Will it be the beginning of Siddhi exploring a different side of herself, or will it be a narrative of her crossing those boundaries?

Priya Shirolkar, a determined hardworking college student, along with her best friend Siddhi. A kind hearted person to kind and hardworking people. Can see through everybody's intentions, plots and love life but her own. Away from home since 18 years of age, now at 22 wants to pursue her PhD. A little awkward around the love Siddhi and her family offers (definitely not complaining). She is someone whom you can rely upon. A kind friend and a kinder soul with a loud bubbly personality. What will happen when she realises that she needs something more than she thought she wanted? The thrill of doing something that is forbidden. Will things turn out good at the end? Is it really worth fighting for?

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