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Priya and Siddhi were waiting in the canteen for Avi to bring snacks, as soon as they saw Avi running towards them with hand full of tetra pack and chips packets, he dropped them on the table, both took their share of the snacks and started eating immediately. Avi hit Siddhi on her head, which made the chips in her hands fall down. Annoyed by Avi, Siddhi snatched away his share of the juice, before he sat down next to Priya. "Hey that is mine, give them back to me," he said. "Then don't annoy me," Siddhi argued. Priya adored these two, and let out a wide smile taking in all the entertainment.

"Anyways, whatever they did in the lab was not right. It is equally everybody's responsibility to complete the experiment, rather than blaming us for not reminding them. We all got the same instructions, did we not?" Priya vented out her frustration.

"Exactly, I just know this is how the corporate world is going to be. This college is already training us for the world" Siddhi added.
"Still, it is totally unfair of them to blame us for not reminding them. Have they ever reminded us or at least know when we had to inoculate the media. Never" Avi continued his part of the venting session.

This was a normal day in their lives. They had to deal with people who never do their job, and blame each other for mistakes they committed. The major part of their session was to free their minds from all the anger and frustration they had to supress to maintain a professional relationship. It is only these sessions, that made them survive university.

"Anyways I am going home and taking a long nap, I will do the assignments tomorrow morning," Siddhi said. "And I will finish the assignment and then sleep," Priya continued. "I am going to my friend place. He has invited me over for dinner" Avi added proudly, he was grinning ear to ear. He probably even salivated, thinking about all the food that aunty would make for him. Priya saw him daydreaming about the food and wondered about her home back in Mumbai. Siddhi smirked so wide that her eyes became smaller and mouth wider. "Friend place is it. Girlfriend? That secret friend you have been gatekeeping about?" Siddhi sang in a tune and she could see Avi blush, and his ears turned a much darker shade of red. The three of them giggled and hit each other out of embarrassment and left for the day.

"Bye bye, enjoy your meal," Priya said with oomph on the word meal and winked. Avi pretended to punch her for teasing him, with not even a slightest idea of which road she was taking. "Bye monkey," he told Siddhi and pulled her ponytail. Siddhi stomped her feet out of frustration and chased the now running Avi. "I will deal with you later" she screamed.

Siddhi now turned to Priya and stared at her. Priya was confused. She rose her eyebrows meaning to ask why Siddhi was staring at her. "Oh hi," Siddhi imitated in Priya's tone. "Shut up" Priya snapped. "Oh hi? You said Oh hi? When you saw Shivamsha after who knows how long?". "I don't know. I was caught off guard to see him standing there." Priya clarified her awkwardness when she met Siddhi's brother.

"It's been two years Priya. I want you to be comfortable and share a good relationship with my brother. It is so weird for me to see you both behave so differently in front of each other. It is sad that the two important people in my life are so awkward and distant towards one....", Siddhi was complaining and she stumbled against her own footwear. "I swear one day, this slipper is going to slip my soul away from this body", Siddhi said frustrated. Priya laughed out loud which earned her a glare, she pouted and played her 'cute card' by making puppy eyes as an apology and changed topic of conversation. They both crossed their arms like they always do, and walked to the metro station.

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