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Read the Author's Note at the end!!


Everyone is busy working, but there's a feeling of uncertainty in the air

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Everyone is busy working, but there's a feeling of uncertainty in the air. It's like a calm moment right before something big might happen. People are doing their jobs, but there's a sense that their lives are about to take a surprising turn. It's as if they're in the quiet time before things get really busy or intense.

Suddenly they hear a phone call, and Vansh answers it. After hearing the other person on the line, he is completely shocked.

He says, "Let's go, there's a dead body found at the construction site."

As soon as he says that, everyone gets ready and goes to examine the crime scene.

The team arrives and starts looking at everything. They check the body, which looks really pale. There are no bruises, just some cuts on the body.

The hands have been cut off and placed next to the body.

And there's this bunch of black roses, which indicates something super creepy, like death.

The person was wearing all black clothes, and there's a small cut on her neck. The weird thing is the cuts on her body - they're all done in a pattern and look like they were made with a sharp object. It makes the investigators think that the person who did this is a seriously dangerous person, like a psychopath. And these black roses just add to the creepy vibe, making the whole scene feel mysterious and scary.
Her lips were cut and blood is still coming out.

"Yuvaan, I've already checked out the body and I need to run some tests at the forensic lab," Dr. Ishika said.

Yuvaan nodded understanding the situation.

Esha tried asking some workers at the construction site, but they all said they didn't know anything about it.

"Rahul finds the information about her, everything I repeat everything" Yuvaan remarked, his gaze fixed on the dead body as he pondered deeply.

Next to the still body, Ishika found a strange, mysterious black box that made everyone curious. Carefully, she opened it, and the room gasped. Inside was a wrapped gift. Ishika, holding her breath, opened it to find a human heart-a freaking human heart a weird and scary surprise. Seeing the heart scared them, and they whispered nervously, trying to understand what it meant for their mystery.
"Sir, I found some reports with her information," Rahul informed as he showed them to Yuvaan.


"Sir, her name was Trisha Singh. She worked as a civil engineer in a reputable company. Her mother is a housewife, and her father used to work as an assistant in the same company before retiring a few years ago. There were no significant relationships found, except for her last phone call to her best friend in New York. Nothing suspicious was found regarding the people close to her," Rahul explained in one breath.

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