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"What the

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"What the....HECK"

What in the world is happening here...Wait, what's going on here? I walked in and saw a girl sitting on my brother's lap and they were kissing, no not kissing but they were actually chewing each other! I was totally stunned by the whole scene.

Why does everyone seem to be kissing, except me? First Ira, my best friend, now my brother, and here I am the only girl who hasn't had her first kiss yet.

'if that witch hadn't shown up, I could've completed my first kiss. Haaye meri futi kismat!! (Oh my luck!!)'

I was so lost in my thoughts that a vase falls accidentally making a thud sound as I was standing beside the table where the vase was kept.

"Eshu, what are you doing here?" my brother asked looking shocked, and they both backed away from each other.

I hadn't noticed that my brother is asking something. I kept staring at the girl, but she looked away, although she seemed somewhat familiar.

"Bhai, I came to see you. I knocked, but you didn't respond, so I got worried and came in. And then..." I trailed off, trying to glance at the girl.

I walked towards her and finally looked at her. Oh God, what on earth is going on? I was already shocked, and now I'm getting shocked again by the sight of the girl standing there who was none other than my sister-in-law.

"Roohi," I exclaimed in shocked.

I need some time to process what's going on in this crazy world. So, I sat down, and my brother and Roohi sat too. As I poured some water and gulped down in seconds, Roohi nervously said to me, "Bhabhi, things are not what you think. I can explain."

"Esha, first listen to us," my brother added.

I couldn't understand why they were so nervous. It's not that I'm not happy for them, it's just that it all happened so suddenly, and I'm not used to seeing my brother and sister-in-law in a romantic way, especially in that compromised situation of kissing each other.

Ahh! Eshu just throw that kissing scene from your mind. I mentally noted down to never remember that awkward scene.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked, looking straight at them.

They both sighed and said together, "from 6 months."

"Actually, bhabhi, I've liked him since I saw him at your wedding. But because of my nerves, I never expressed my feelings. Even though your brother turned me down three times with silly excuses," Roohi was explaining until my brother interrupted her, "I also liked her, but you know, I'm so dumb that I didn't realize her feelings", he admitted.

"You are not happy, bhabhi," Roohi observed, sensing the sadness on my face. When I glanced at bhai, I could tell he was also anxious.

Their serious expressions made me burst into laughter, leaving them both surprised. After my hilarious outburst, I took a moment to catch my breath while looking at them and said "God, I'd be ecstatic to have Roohi as my bhabhi."

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