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"What are you doing here, Aryan Bhai?"

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"What are you doing here, Aryan Bhai?"

I asked as it's 3:30 am and what is he doing this time.

"Oh emergency came in a hospital that's why I have to go, I just came here and saw you in the study room so that's why" he said shrugging his shoulders.

My headache is increasing but I composed myself and started collecting all the photographs, and reports but I can feel someone's gaze.

I turned a little bit and saw Aryan Bhai keenly looking at crime photographs.

I just couldn't control myself and asked,"what is so interesting about that crime scene photographs, that you can't take your eyes out of it", i asked and started observing his expression.

He was so much observed in those photos that he didn't listen to what I was saying. Now this time I can feel something weird in my heart and I know something is wrong.

I shook him by the shoulders again and he immediately looked at me. I tried to read his eyes but it felt like there was some kind of boundary stopping me from seeing beyond it. I attempted to read his mind, and for the first time, I doubted my skills. It seemed like he had hidden his emotions behind a wall so no one could see them.

His gaze didn't seem softer, but it held a quiet storm.

He said, "Work hard, I know you'll find the killer and give them the punishment they deserve."

With that, he turned and walked away. I kept staring at his departing figure, wondering what he meant.

I sighed as my headache is one of the main reason, I am not able to understand the gravity of the situation.

I just moved to the living room, drank water and just slept there because I didn't have enough energy to move upstairs I am feeling dizzy so I just sat on the couch, although I got another habit now without My Chamgadar I am not able to sleep now, never in my life i thought that I am going to get this beautiful habit, I smiled looking at engagement ring placed it to my heart and didn't realise when I slept.

Soon I heard someone's step in my sleep and I opened my eyes to see Yuvaan getting concerned he touched my forehead and check my hands, cheeks, and legs and aksed worriedly "daisy did you get hurt or are you not feeling well why did you come downstairs we should definitely go to doctor and treat you or are you having sickness of sleep walking but I didn't notice earlier well don't worry I am here we...."

Gosh he was talking non stop I put my palm on his mouth and said "just stop, my special bullet train you have reached your destination now listen to me," I said.

And I can see him getting relaxed and he hugged me tightly and placed me on his lap and buried his face in my crook of neck I felt a tingling sensation because of hie beared.

But seeing him restless and I moved my hands in his hairs and soon I felt him getting relaxed and he speaks while his face still burried in my neck "I am sorry to react like this I just got scared that you left me..."

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