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I was asleep when I felt someone's cries, like someone was struggling to breathe

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I was asleep when I felt someone's cries, like someone was struggling to breathe.

I woke up and saw the scene in front of me - My Esha was a mess, crying with her hands over her ears, shaking....her body stiffs at a place she was breathing heavily, like she had seen a nightmare.

It hurt my heart to see her like that. She was muttering something, so I hugged her, rubbed her back, and tried to calm her.

I asked her, "What happened Esha?" and she just said, "Naina."

I knew something must have happened related to that. I held her tightly, understanding that she needed to calm down without further questioning. She was really shaken, having panic attacks and trouble breathing.

"Breathe, Esha... inhale, exhale", I reassured her, holding her cheeks and looking into her eyes.

After a while, she calmed down, but I didn't let go. I gave her water, I kept holding her, kissing her head, and hugging her tightly, not willing to leave her side.

"Yuvaan," she said in a teary voice.


"Woh... Naina,"she said with a choked voice.

"Shush.....sleep, jaan, sleep. Don't think about it, okay?" I said, trying to calm her down and not wanting her to think about Naina... we both know our difficult past which involves that girl Naina.

"Esha... are you awake?"


"Yuvaan, I want my medicines," she said while struggling into my arms.

But I knew that if I got her the medicines, she would become addicted again like before, ten years ago. The doctor strictly instructed her not to take any medicines back then as her body can't handle those strong drugs.

I know about her health. She didn't tell me but I did a background check on her after our marriage. I have my own sources. I know i shouldn't have done this but I have no way at least I deserve to know about her well being of her and how she lived in those years when I wasn't present beside her. I know that I have met her and stay with her only a week but still for my sureity I had to check on her.

"No, Esha, sleep, baby, just sleep. I am here with you."

"You're here with me?" she innocently asked.

I kissed her temple and nodded.

She snuggled into me more and I held her and placed her on my lap she comfortably sat on my lap and keep her head on my chest hugging me tightly as if she lose her hand I will vanish in thin air.

I didn't hear the soft sniffles of her cries and saw that she fainted.

"Esha wake up....baby wake up....Esha"...I said patting her cheeks and rubbing her hand.

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