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The moment he says,"I got a call from an unknown number trying me  to sell that drug," both me and Yuvaan exchanged looks and we knew we had stepped on the first stair of this case

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The moment he says,"I got a call from an unknown number trying me  to sell that drug," both me and Yuvaan exchanged looks and we knew we had stepped on the first stair of this case.

"So, why didn't you tell the cops about this?" Yuvaan inquired, looking quite furious.

"Sir, I was thinking about filing a complaint because he was basically blackmailing me. But at that time, my company was dealing with some issues that ended up in court. By the time the news came out about my company issue, he stopped bothering me, and I totally forgot about it," he explained.

"Why was he blackmailing you?" I questioned, sensing fear and guilt in his voice.

"Uhh, actually, I kinda used some lousy chemicals in the process of making medical drugs, and somehow he found out about it. But believe me, after my company got sued because a patient filed a case, I switched to using all legal and properly checked products and chemicals," he clarified.

"Shameless......how could you play with human life for your so-called profit....huhh...do you still have his number?" I asked.

"Yes, probably," he replied, quickly checking his phone and handing over the number to us.

"Thanks for cooperating....and don't you dare to use that low-quality chemicals and products. Just remember, I'm keeping an eye on you until this case is over. You're not allowed to leave the city. Got it?" Yuvaan said in a serious tone.

"Y-y..yes, sir."

After leaving the company, we went straight to the bureau where we found out that Vansh, Varnika, and Raj had gone to investigate Abhisek's company but didn't find anything unusual.

However, we did have a lead - we provided them with the phone number we obtained from Mr. Kashyap.

"Rahul, make sure you have all the information of this number by tomorrow, on my desk," Yuvaan said, visibly frustrated as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yes, sir."

As Yuvaan and I headed back home, a strange feeling crept into my heart - you know, when you just feel uneasy about the future and sense that something isn't right?

Lost in my thoughts, the car suddenly slammed on its brakes, jolting me against the dashboard. Thank goodness for seat belts.

Yuvaan quickly reached out and placed his hand on my forehead to prevent me from hitting the dashboard.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt? I'm really sorry, the car in front suddenly put brake and I had to hit the brakes to avoid an accident," he said while checking me for any injuries.

"I'm fine, nothing happened. It's not your fault, it's the idiot who slammed the brakes out of nowhere on the highway," I said while scanning outside to see if that driver was around, but it seemed like he had already left.
We rang the doorbell, and Dad was at home due to his medical condition and working in the case from home and also helping us.

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