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Princess Emmalin Faith Diana was born on the 27th of July 1990 at 13:59, in Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London. As the 3rd child of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales, during the reign of her grandmother Queen Elizabeth II.  Her birth was announced by press release, which was followed by of tradition in front of the Buckingham Palace. 

The grand-daughter of reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth II, Emmalin was fourth in line of the British throne at the time of her birth. 

Known as many nicknames given to her by her family such as, Emmy and Emily by her two brothers, and her mummy gave her the nickname pumpkin due to her bright red hair, and her papa gave her the nickname twinkle, due to her blue eyes always twinkling in the sun. 

While trying to keep their kids out of the frame of paparazzi as best as they could, the paparazzi stills always managed to get pictures.  From a very young age, Emmalin knew she didn't like the paparazzi, she always wanted her privacy, she could never get. 

Emmalin is an official British princess with the official title and style " Princess Emmalin Faith Diana of Wales." 

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