1. 1997

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Charles is sitting downstairs very early in the morning, 3 a.m. to be exact. With the phone in his right hand, and a cup of whiskey in his other hand, still trying to process the phone call he just received.  His three kids are soundly asleep upstairs, with being on vacation in Scotland. 
After debating it, Charles decided to wake up all 3 kids, and bring them downstairs, to have a chat, a chat he never wished to have. 
After waking his 15, 12, and 7 year old and them sitting on the sofa in front of him, William on the left, Emmalin in the middle, and Harry on the right. He took a deep breath and said.

" Children, I have some bad news." and there was a pause " You're mother has been in a tragic accident, and she didn't make it." 

That sentence woke all 3 of them up real quickly. 

" Wh-what do you mean papa?" Sweet Emmalin asked

" He means that she is gone and never coming back." The middle child answered and got up immediately, and left. 

" Oh" she replies in a small voice.

The youngest immediately hugged her eldest brother from the side and he hugged her back tighter, she let a few tears slip. 

That night/day was one of the longest days for the Wales family. 
Charles tried to cheer up his kids, but nothing worked. Harry and William stayed in the room they shared.
While Emmalin stayed in her room. While sitting on her bed she let the words really sink in from that previous morning. 'She is gone and never coming back' 

Sitting there alone in her room, she felt this urge of sadness run through her body, immediately followed with anger. She glanced towards the window opposite from her bed and got an idea. She didn't know how to handle her feelings, so she decided to run away.
'If  mummy isn't coming back, I don't want to be here' She thought to herself. 
She walked over to the window and opened it. She very carefully climbed out of it, and down the wall. As she got closer to the ground she misplaced her foot and fell about 3 feet, she landed on her ankle and rolled it, but she didn't care. She still went on her mission of leaving. 


" Do you know where your sister is? I can't seem to find her." Charles asked his two boys. 
They both shook their head no. 

" Oh no" The father said under his breath. " If we can't find her, that's going to be a problem, especially if the press find out" 

Both boys nodded their head, while trying to think of where their little sister could be, she couldn't have gotten far, could she? 

" Me and Harry will go look around the property for her. Papa we'll find her." William stepped up and said.

Their father shook his head ok, and the brothers were off on a mission to find their sister, before the press did. 

The boys made their way outside and were standing in front of the castle looking around seeing if they could see her.

" Will look!" Harry said pointing to the open window that leads to their sisters room.

They both took off for over there, just to see no one there. That's when they hear a small little whimper.
They both spin around real quick and see a little girl with strawberry blonde hair that goes to her shoulders, sitting by a tree sobbing. 
They ran over to her.

" Emmy, you scared us! We had no idea where you went!" Harry shouted at her.
William glanced over to his brother with a look of 'shut up' 

" Emmy, why did you leave? Or at least try to?" The eldest brother asked in a calm tone.

The Sister Princess  ~ Princess Diana's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now