5. 2006

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Same year, just different month. 
It is now summer time, Emmalin is home until September, with the occasional trips she'll take. 
William, won't be home much during the summer, he'll be serving in the military.
Harry, will be doing his own thing, probably won't be home much either.


Date: June 15th, 2006:

Emmalin's POV:

' It's been a pretty boring end term so far, I haven't heard from my brothers at all, they've been super busy. 
Since it's Willy's birthday this upcoming weekend, my father has allowed me to come home for the week, since I typically excel in my schoolwork and get it done well in advance.
I'm currently sitting in my room at the palace, thinking about what I want to get Willy for his birthday. He's turning 24 years old. I want to throw him a small little birthday party, but I don't know what his schedule looks like.
I have an idea, I'll call Catherine. I got her phone number not that long ago.'

I set my pen down and close my diary, and grab my phone off of my night stand. 
I turn it on, and scroll down to 'C' and click on Catherine.
I hear it ring a couple of times, 

" Hello?" 
" Hi Catherine, it's Emmalin, Willy's little sister." 
" Hi sweetheart! How have you been?" 
" I've been alright. I'm wondering if you know Will's schedule. His birthday's coming up, and I am wanting to throw him a little party, but I-I don't know his schedule." I explain.
" He will actually be home the 20th. Are you wanting to do like a surprise party type deal?" She asks me.
" Yes. Is there any way you can help me with it?" I ask, a little scared.
"Of course I can help. Do you want me to come over in a  couple of hours to help you plan?" 
" Yes! I would love that! See you at 3?" I ask
" I'll see you then. Bye-Bye." 
" Bye Catherine." 

I sit there for a minute, and smile.
After a moment, I get up and leave my room, and go down the hall to my father's study.
I stand in front of the door for a moment, before knocking. I then hear "come in".
I opened the door, and walked in, closing the door behind me.

" Father." I say, catching his attention.

" Hi sweetheart. What can I do for you?" He asks, while looking up from a paper he's reading.

" You know how Willy's birthday is coming up?" I ask him.

He nods, " It's the 21st, so in 6 days."

I nod my head. " I am wondering if I can throw him a party. Since I haven't seen him for a little while. I am wanting to throw it on the 21st, which is this up coming Saturday." I explain.

I watch my father sit there. I can tell he's thinking.

" Ok. Uhm, me and Camilla will be out of town and I expect that you'll be on your best behavior?" He asks me.

" Yes sir." I reply.

" Then I don't see any problem with it. I'll clear it with your granny, and if she says ok, then you can do it." He explains.

" Thank you. Is it alright if Catherine comes over at 3? To help me plan it?" I ask.

" That's fine dear, just remember that I still need to clear it with granny. 

" Yes sir. Please let me know as soon as you can on what she says." I say.

" Here, we'll just call her right now." He says as he grabs his phone and dials a few numbers.

I stepped out of the room, so he could have some privacy on the phone call.
After a few moments, I hear him call me back into the room.

" So you're granny doesn't mind the party. She said there is a place in town where you can hold it, but you have to have a guest list." He explains.

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