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Hi everyone, I want to shed some light on the recent events regarding Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales .

It breaks my heart to learn that Princess Catherine got diagnosed with cancer, but what breaks my heart even more is how some people treated her before hand. How she was basically forced by the media to share her private health/life. 
It's not ok how she was treated, no one should ever be treated like that. 

All of the rumors about her and her family that were going around, that she had died, or that William was cheating on her,- (Side note, William would never cheat on her, because he was old enough to understand all of the things that happened between his two parents, and he wouldn't want that history to repeat itself) - were rude and somewhat even disgusting. 

All they were trying to do was shield George, Charlotte, and Louis from it, and explain it to them the best to their abilities, while also trying not to scare their children, and with all honesty, at the end of the day, what happens behind their closed doors, stays their business, and that we shouldn't question what they say.

None of the royals should have to defend their family like that, they should never have people always trying to go after them, even if they aren't apart of the monarchy anymore. 
But that's just the world we live in nowadays. 

I do believe that Prince William and Princess Catherine would've released the information about the health scare, once everything had settled down, but I believe they let the rumors of Prince William and the 'affair' go on as long as they did because they wanted to make sure that George, Charlotte, and Louis were out of school before releasing the information, because of all of the chaos it could supposably bring along with it.

I pray each night that they Royal family recover from their illnesses, and can get back to their daily lives they love so much.

                   I want to take this time to say that I am writing this book, just for the fun of it. Not to try and manipulate anything with the royal family.  Give a reality, that could never really become reality. 
Please keep in mind that this is just a fan fic, it has nothing to do with the royal monarchs lives.

I pray to God each night to save the princess of Wales, and to save the King of England.

** I should have a new chapter out soon**

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