14. 2019

129 6 2

Recap on William, Harry, and Emmalin ;

Prince William ; Him and his wife have been enjoying spending time with their 3 children, while continuing to perform their royal duties. William is 37 years old.

Prince Harry ; Him and his wife have been enjoying being newlyweds, welcoming their first child on May 6th, 2019, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. Harry has also been continuing to perform in his royal duties. Harry is 34, almost 35 years old.

Princess Emmalin ; She has been coming to terms with her medical condition, while trying her hardest not to let anyone else down. She's also been trying to regain the trust of everyone in her family. She is still performing her royal duties as promised. Emmalin is 29 years old.

August 2019; 

The Duchess of Norfolk has been slowly coming to terms with her medical condition, while continuing her royal duties, and regaining the trust from her siblings. They don't fully trust her anymore when it comes to her feelings, or really anything.

It's another typical day for the Duchess of Norfolk, getting up, getting ready, making sure she's eaten, and dashing out the door because she is late for her royal duties.

Today the Duchess of Norfolk will be accompanied by her two brothers as they go to visit a school in London to read to different classes.As the trio of siblings are sitting in a car getting driven to the school, it is an awkward silence between them.

Emmalin is sitting on the right, staring out the window while biting her nails, William is sitting in the middle of his siblings reading something on his phone, while Harry is sitting on the far left with his head leaning against the window, pretty much asleep.

After a while of it being quiet in the car the oldest sibling says something." Emmalin, did you eat this morning?"

" Yea." She replied, while being distracted chewing her nails.

" Em, you need to stop biting your nails, it's not professional." William recalled.

" Nah, I'm ok. It's not hurting you is it?" She snapped back.

" Why are you being so snappy?" The future king asked.

The girl sighed. " Sorry, it's not your fault. I'm just stressed. It's already pretty stressful being a princess and all, and on top of that I have my medical condition to think about now as well." She explained, getting a little emotional.

" Emmy, everything is going to be ok, I promise. You have the support of your whole family." William explained, while putting his arm around his sister, like a side hug.

" Yeah, everyone except Harry." She joked, while glancing over at her brother who is practically asleep.

William just chuckled at the comment.


Around 45 minutes the three siblings arrive at the school, and are escorted inside by their security guards, and basically the whole school board.

The siblings are walking with the superintendent and headmaster.

William is talking up a storm with them, while Harry and Emmalin are zoned out not paying much attention to the conversation that is occurring.

While deep in her thoughts, Emmalin didn't hear her name being called by her oldest brother.

After a minute of trying to get her attention, Harry shoved her a little bit, claiming it was an accident.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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