6. 2006

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This is part 3 of 2006, this should be the last part of 2006. There is so much I am wanting to put into this year. Enjoy!

It is now July, school has ended for the year, and it is now officially summer break. 
Things are still the same as the last chapter, just a little different.
Ever since schools ended, Emmalin has still been grounded for her little act she did at William's 24th birthday.
It is been about a week since schools been let out.

Ever since schools let out, and Emmalin's been at home, she hasn't been feeling herself, she's been feeling super sad, not having the ability to get out of bed.
Her father doesn't know, since he's been away with Camilla.
Her brothers also don't know either, since they haven't been home. 
She has spent most of her days locked away in her room, not eating or anything.


Emmalin's POV:

' It's been about a week, maybe two, since I've arrived home.  Ever since I've arrived home, I haven't seen my father, nor have I seen my brothers. It's almost as if I've disappeared, or I'm just not important to them. Who knows, maybe it will be better if I just disappear.' I thought to myself, as I lay in my dark, cold, room.

William's POV:

I've been so busy since a couple of days after my birthday, I hate to admit this, but I haven't talked to my sister, nor brother for almost the past month.
But, I can't always be there to dig them out of trouble.
I need to now focus on my relationship with Catherine, and make sure she's always safe. 
I also need to focus on my career in the Army. 
I think I need to make it home in a couple of days, to celebrate my baby sister turning 16.

Harry's POV:

I haven't been home for almost three weeks, I hope Emmy is doing well. I haven't talked to her for 3 weeks. I've been busy and caught up in my own life for a change.
I think she's old enough to be by herself, I mean, it's the only thing I wanted at her age, just to be left alone.
Her birthday's coming up in about a week, and I think I am going to call William, and see what he has planned, I know papa won't be able to make it, he's somewhere with Camilla.
I grab my phone that's on my girlfriends night stand, and dial Will's number.

After a few rings he answers.

" Hello?" I hear him say.
" Hey Will, it's Harry. How have you been?" I ask, actually curious.
" I've been well. How have you been?" He asks, I think these questions are always so tedious.
" I've been fine. I am calling to see if you have anything planned for Emmy's birthday?"
" Uh no. I've been super busy. Uhm, I don't think she wanted to do anything big anyways, she's still grounded." He explains.
Ah, I somewhat forgot about that. " Oh ok. Uhm, are you going to make it back to the palace?" I ask
" I should. I think I'm going to surprise her on her birthday."
" I think I am too. We should arrive at the same time. I'm thinking maybe 2 in the afternoon?"
" Yes, that works for me. I might even bring Catherine. I know Emmy loves her. I'll also bring cake too. But, don't worry, I'll make sure to buy it from the grocer first." He says, with a slight chuckle on the end.
" Alright, I'll see you the 27th." I say, then hang up.

July 27th, 2006:
3rd Person POV:

William, Harry, and Catherine all arrived at the same time at the palace, 2 p.m. on the dot.
After the brothers exchanged hugs, they made their way into the palace, specifically their flat/house.
All three of them are confused when they don't hear anything but silence, and they don't see anyone. It's almost as if no one has been here in weeks.

" Emmy?!" Both brothers called out at the same time after they closed the front doors.

William and Harry both shared an uncertain look, and Will handed the cake to Catherine.

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