3. 2003

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It has now been 6 years since the tragic death of Lady Diana, and her 3 kids are now 21, 17, and 13. 
The two younger Wales kids have been acting super mischievous these past couple of years, while the eldest Wales kid has been doing his best to make something of himself, especially with the weight of being future king. 
It is the summer time, which means all of the kids are back at home from school. 
Ever since Emmalin hit her teenage years, she has not held back a single second. 
At her first year at boarding school she had been sent to the headmasters room quite a few times for 'misbehaving' in class. 
While Harry on the other hand, had also faced some backlash as well. Same thing as his little sister, 'misbehaving' in class.
William on the other hand has been excelling in classes the past couple of years, and even started dating someone, Kate Middleton. His life has been proceeding as he would like it to.

June 30th 2003:

Emmalin is laying in bed on her first official day of summer not wanting to get up. 
Her father has been away with his girlfriend Camilla, and on occasional work trips. 
After laying in bed starring off into space for a little while, she finally decides to actually get out of bed, and go do something. As she is putting her robe on and slippers, she remembers that both of her brothers both arrived home late last night from school, and she immediately gets an idea in her head.

She dashes out of her room and goes down to her brothers room. She knocks on the door but doesn't hear anything. So she takes it upon herself and opens the door. When she does she pokes her head in, and sees her red-haired brother asleep in his bed. She decides to prank him. 
She quickly goes back to her room and grabs a marker and runs back to Harry's room.  She decides to draw on his face. She decides to draw a penis in the middle of his forehead, along with a mustache. 
After doing so, she had also grabbed baby powder from her room and put it in his slippers.
She then quietly left his room, and went to her eldest brothers room.
She did the same thing she did at Harry's door, she knocked quietly, and when she didn't hear anything she opened the door, and saw that her brother was still asleep as well. 
She had a different idea for William though.
So every morning he gets up and takes a shower, so she goes to his bathroom that is connected to his room, and looks for his hair dryer, after she finds it she proceeds to dump baby powder in it. She quietly sets everything just as he had and left his room, and scurries back to her room. 

About an hour or so later she is down stairs reading a book in the drawing room when she hears two male voices yell from upstairs. She continues to sit on the sofa and read her book, acting like she doesn't know why her brothers are yelling. 
Soon she sees her two brothers storming down the stairs and into the drawing room.
She glances up at them, and sees her eldest brothers hair covered in baby powder, and her 2nd eldest brothers forehead drawn on, and sees his feet covered in baby powder.

" What the hell happened to you two?" She asks looking up from her book. 

" You mean to tell me that you know nothing about there being baby powder in my hair dryer, and in Harry's slippers, and a penis and mustache being drawn on his face?" The eldest brother asked.

" Wait there's a drawing on my face as well?" Harry yelled, while running back up the stairs. 

It took everything Emmalin had in her to not smile. " No, I don't know what you're talking about." She said while biting her bottom lip.

" So if I go up in your room right now, I won't find a black marker or any baby powder in there?" He asks her.

She shook her head no.
William looked at her and went upstairs to her room.
She immediately leapt off the couch and went after her brother who was almost, surprisingly to her bedroom already.
As soon as he entered the room he yelled. " Emmalin!" 
She gulped. She immediately ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, not really having a plan.
Both of her brothers followed her down to the kitchen.

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