Chapter 1

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You can feel yourself smiling upon hearing his laugh and friendly greetings. Surrounded by all your friends you are yet to actually spot him, and he you. Just knowing he has finally arrived to the NYE party makes your body respond instantly and turn in his direction. But what you see once the crowd clears a bit around him, makes your breath get caught in your throat.

"I can't believe it, I can't believe he'd actually bring someone!" you think to yourself. Being torn between looking at him for an explanation and avoiding eye contact at all cost.

You don't even realise he's made his way over to you and your friend Chloe because just as you get out of your own head he's standing right in front of you, ready to embrace you "Hey Y/N/N, it's so good to see you" he says with a smile, before wrapping his arms around your form

"I've missed you" he whispers before stepping back.

Before your brain can catch on to what had just happened, he wraps his arm around a brunettes' waist and turns to you again

"Y/N, this is Amber, my girlfriend. Amber, Y/N"

"Hi, so nice to finally meet you! I'm such a fan of your music, Sam won't stop talking about it too" she says with a chuckle while putting her hand on his chest softly.

You can only send them a short and confused smile "Yeah, you too" before they turn away to greet the rest of your friends.

GIRLFRIEND?! He has a girlfriend now?

You are frozen to the spot again, until you feel Chloe's gentle hand on your arm "You okay hun?" her voice is laced with concern

"Yeah, m'fine. Just need the toilet real quick. I'll be back in a minute" you don't even spare her a glance as you quickly try to make your way through the crowd of 30 something Geordies gathered around. All being cheerful for the new year.

The bathroom is luckily empty so you lock the door and just stand there for a moment. Not sure what to do. Sorting through your emotions. You turn towards the toilet and sit down onto the closed lit.


Just staring straight ahead onto the wall.

Hands clasped together until you slowly start to rub your thumb over the back of your hand. Your body automatically trying to sooth itself.

He has a girlfriend. And he brought her here. All your friends are here. The lads from his band, your band, Tom and Heidi.

You last saw him only a month ago and he hadn't said a word about her. When did this even happen?

You don't realize the tears running down your face until one, two droplets land on your hands. You look down, blinking and wiping the tears away hastily.

You don't know what you are mad about. You and him had ended things a few months ago, amicably. You still remain friends, best friends after all these years. He had assured you that would never change. But then why didn't he tell you about it and why didn't you feel mad? No, actually you are hurt. Hurt and betrayed because he said he loved you. He loved you but life and work were too hectic right now and it wasn't fair to you. To both of you. So through many hugs and tears you realised a relationship at this time isn't going to work. And you both had of course wanted to safe your year long friendship. So you ended it.

You quickly get up from the toilet seat and hold one of the guest towels under the cold water in the sink. Gently dabbing under your eyes to get rid of the tear streaks.

This is Sam, your best friend Sam. He would never hurt you like this. There's got to be another explanation for this. You think to yourself.

You quickly make up your mind to take him aside and talk to him.

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