Chapter 5

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You had just arrived back in North Shields after spending two weeks in New York with your family. It was mid May and the perfect time to soak up the Manhattan sun and enjoy your favorite city in all its springtime glory. Sometimes you really missed living in the big apple, and yet, you couldn't be happier to be back in the small fish quay town. As much as you loved your family and enjoyed spending time with them. Right now, nothing made you as happy as the boy currently making cuppas in his kitchen. Your first stop, after taking your luggage home and having a quick shower, was Sam's house. You practically threw yourself at him the minute he had opened the door. He wordlessly picked you up and walked inside the house with you in his arms. Soft kisses and caresses had been exchanged, whispers of "I missed you" and "I'm so glad you're back" before he had gently placed you on his sofa and left for the kitchen. You had just turned on the tv for some background entertainment as Sam makes his way back to you, two steaming mugs in hand.

"Next time you'll just have to come with me" you smirk up at him. Knowing full well there is barely anything Sam can deny you.

"Just tell me where and when and I'll be ready. It'd be nice to see Tess and your mam again" he replies as he sits down beside you and places a soft kiss into your hair.

You shuffle closer and lean into his chest, getting comfortable with his strong arms securely around your frame.

"You also have yet to see mom's apartment and where I grew up, my love" you tease and lean your head back so you can kiss his jaw.

He tightens his grip around you and leans in "Only if I'm getting the full tour, like" he rasps into your ear before leaving a trail of kisses on your cheek and neck. Your body's only and immediate response is to melt into him, completely losing your train of thought. That's the effect Sam usually has on you, but it is tenfold, now that you hadn't seen each other for a few weeks.

You're getting sleepy now with the low hum of the tv in the background, Sam's soothing touch and scent lulling you into a comfortable slumber. But his featherlight touch slowly running under your sweatshirt and reaching the bare skin of your stomach, his sweet yet tortures attention on your neck, has you hyper aware again and you want to see how far he is going to take this right now.

"I love you" comes his low voice. You could feel the words run over your skin where his lips have been just a moment ago. Your eyes open and you turn your head in his direction. That's not where you thought this would go.

"Sam, I..." comes your breathy exhale as you look at him. He's turning his face towards yours and looks at you with the sweetest expression, a little smile pulling his lips upwards, only adoration and love visible in his eyes.

"I don't know what to say..."

"You don't need to say anything" he leaves the softest of kisses on the corner of your mouth

"You also don't have to say it back, yet. I just needed you to know" the look on his face is one of pure love for you, you can see the way he feels and cares about you all right there in the depths of his blue eyes. You're so overcome with your emotions, the same feeling you hold for him, that there's nothing else to do but say it back.

"I love you too" you breathe before taking his face into your hands and gently but urgently pulling his face towards yours, sealing this moment with a kiss.

You can feel him smile into it as he slowly runs his tongue over your bottom lip, and you grant him entrance. He quickly turns you around and pulls you into his lap without breaking the kiss. Pulling you tight against his chest, his hands start roaming your hips and back beneath your shirt. Your hands find his hair. You two are impossibly close, you can feel his heart beating inside his chest along your own.

After a moment longer, he breaks your kiss.

He needed to look at you, in awe of the girl in his arms. Of the fact that he got so lucky to fall in love with his best friend, and have his love reciprocated.

"I love you so much" he smiles down at you and you mirror his expression

"Can't believe you're actually all mine like" you can't contain your happiness and chuckle at that, quickly pulling him back to you and reconnecting your lips with his.

The kiss gets heated pretty quickly and as you start leaving kisses and little nips on his skin, all the way from his jaw down to his neck and chest, Sam starts to gently lift up your shirt to pull it over your head. Leaving you to sit in your bra...

"Y/N" you hear someone saying your name way too loud and close to your ear. You startle out of your light sleep and straighten up a bit on the comfy seats of the tour bus.

"What?" you ask groggily, still not entirely sure who woke you up out of your lovely slumber.

Donna nudges your leg with her toes a little, getting your attention as she sits opposite you. Seemingly being the rude intruder. Only now you notice she is holding your phone out towards you

"Phone call for you. It's Sam" she says nonchalantly, reaching out even further so you can see his picture lighting up the screen.

You finally take the device and press it against your ear. Clearing your throat, you hesitantly answer it "Hey" is all you come up with, scolding yourself, because the line is quiet for a beat and you wonder if he might've hung up again.

"Hiya, Y/N/N" you hear his soft response. Your mind is still a bit hazy having just woken up so you realize a bit too late what this moment actually means. You hadn't spoken to Sam since your fight. That was almost a month ago now. He hadn't shown up at your farewell party at the pub. And now he's just on the other line of the phone call to you. That thought instantly wakes you up.

"What...why are you calling me?" you ask. No malice or anger in your voice, just genuine curiosity. You really hadn't expected this.

"A just wanted to hear from you, ask how you've been doing? Tonight's the first show, reet?"

"Oh, uhm. Yes, thank you. We've just gotten into the city, shouldn't be long until we arrive at the venue"

You can hear some shuffling on his end and wonder what he's up to. Is he back home now, sitting in his living room? Or is he still in London at Amber's place?

"How have you been, how was London?" for some reason you feel the need to ask. Knowing this could as well send you into another spiral and make you regret ever opening your heart to him.

"Good, I ehm, I've just gotten back today" you nod at that. Relieved, maybe, to hear that he's back north and not with her right now.

"Y/N, I actually want to" before he can finish his sentence Donna interrupts and lets you know we have just parked outside tonight's venue. The whole bus is bursting with excitement you realize now, the band getting ready to head inside and take a look at everything.

"Sam, I'm so sorry. We've just arrived and everyone wants to go in and set up. Can this wait?" you hear him sigh and immediately feel bad for cutting him off like that. Not wanting your first conversation in weeks to end on such a weird note but, duty calls.

"I can text you once we're done tonight?" you offer. You don't want him to think he doesn't matter to you anymore. Or that you don't want to talk to him anymore or something.

"Aye, well nee worries just for me like. I'm sure you'd want to celebrate the first gig tonight!"

"I just wanted to say good luck. And to wish you a great show" he sounds a bit hesitant, but you can also hear the sincerity in his voice. You smile at that and thank him before ending the call. Taking a deep breath, you finally make your way off of the bus and follow everyone across the lot and into your very first tour venue.

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