Chapter 3

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Sam's POV

The silence between Y/N and me was uncertain territory. Never in our lives had we spent more than a few days without talking, or any other form of communication whatsoever. But my anger for the girl still seethes inside me. How could she make this situation about her, and make me the bad guy? It's not my fault she reacted so poorly to me having a girlfriend. Am I not allowed anymore to be happy and live my life the way I want?

I huff to myself and make my way upstairs to pack.

Knowing how bored I'm going to get, I ring Dean and put him on speaker as soon as he picks up

"Alreet Sam?" he asks joyfully.

"Aye, how are things going over there?" I ask curiously. Dean and his fiancé Reagan had finally adopted a puppy just after the Christmas days, after debating for almost a year whether to get a pet or not.

A cute little labradoodle pup named Maple was now part of their family and let's just say toilet training and raising that little rascal has been more challenging and exhausting than anticipated.

"She's wracking havoc, as usual, but knowing that in about an hour she will be exhausted and come searching for cuddles makes everything worth it I guess" Dean laughs down the phone. Being very well used to the dog's energy by now.

After a few minutes of laughing and taking the piss out of each other as usual, Dean wants to know what I'm up to

"I'm packing mate, going down to London remember?" I'm trying to be as vague as possible, not wanting to go into detail again.

After my fight with Y/N, even my mates had sided with her, trying to make me understand why I should've reacted better and not snap at her like that. I didn't need another lecture from Dean.

"You're still going then?"

"Yes, Deano, am still going" I tell him in a sterner voice. I throw some shirts and jumpers into my small suitcase. I run my hand through my hair and sigh. Dean has known me since we were young boys, he knows me better than most people. Taking the hint to not further upset me he asks "Howd'ya feel about meeting her family. Yer nervous at all?"

I'm going down to London for about a week to wrap up some last-minute things with my label, before going on tour. And to meet Amber's parents. We met through her brother a few months ago, but meeting her parents after such a short time is still a big deal and I'm anxious. What will they say about their daughter dating a person like me, someone that's in the public eye and has their every step viewed and criticized. What if it is too soon to take such a big step in our short time together?

"I divn't kna, like. I'm excited to see Amber again, and a guess one Sunday dinner with her family ain't gan hurt me" I shrug to myself as I let Dean in on my thoughts.

"Have you talked to her about it? Maybe you should wait a bit longer with that aye?"

"Amber recons I'll be fine. Her brother will be there too and a mean I've known Zack for a while now too. So I won't feel too out of place like."

"Reet, if you say so"

"Dean, come on, it's not like I'm gan marry her next week!" I say with my voice raised. I know my friends mean well, but knowing that they all think I mistreated Y/N and are now starting to second guess my relationship with Amber is not the kind of support I thought I'd get from me best mates.

"A know that Sam, it's still a bit odd though, innit! And you won't be here to see off Y/N before her big tour. Is that really where you want to leave things?"

I zip my suitcase shut and take a seat on my bed.

"Look Dean, I wish we would've left things differently but am not gan just run back and apologize for something I ain't got any control over. She's got to sort oot her jealousy or whatever it is and then we can talk."

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