Chapter 2

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It's been four days since the party and you had finally managed to talk to Sam. Or rather, ask him over so you could talk.

Usually you would be excited to see him, greeting him with a hug, picking up some beers from the kitchen and then making your way over to the sofa. And that's where you'd usually spend hours talking and laughing and having the best time together.

But today, you're so nervous to see him. Walking around your flat, constantly looking out the kitchen window to check if he is here yet. You almost jump as the doorbell finally rings.

You take a deep breath before reaching for the door and pulling it open "Hiya" you exhale, while trying to look everywhere but his face. You hear him chuckle before he replies "Hiya sweetheart" which finally makes you look at him.

He is gorgeous as ever. Short curly hair, a bit tousled from the wind on his walk over. His blue eyes warm and welcoming as always. A bit of stubble on his face, which means he hasn't shaved since you last saw him. The smile on his face turning into a small frown "You going to let me in like?" he asks. "Oh of course, yes, come on in" you laugh awkwardly as you let him slip past you and shut the door behind him.

You two wordlessly make your way into the kitchen where he immediately opens the fridge and takes out two bottles, walking right up to you and passing you one. "So what've you got planned for today?"

You take a sip before looking up at him, trying to gauge his reaction "Um actually I was hoping we catch up and talk...about some stuff" you say before loosing confidence and staring at the beer in your hand "there's something a wanted to ask you, Sam".

"Okay" he says before gently taking your hand and guiding you over so you two can sit on the sofa.

"When do you leave for Amsterdam?"

"In two weeks, our first show is on the 19th"

"I'm glad! I don't leave until the 24th so we can make the most of our time at home together" he tells you with a big smile, before squeezing your knee lightly. He sips his beer as he casually leans back against one arm of your sofa, his body turned towards you. You have one leg resting on the cushion, the other is still on the floor, bouncing up and down nervously. He's looking at you for a moment longer, seemingly not noticing the nervous energy in our body. Or he just doesn't say anything.

"You must be excited to go back over to the States eh?" why is this so awkward today? Talking to Sam about literally anything never feels this tense or dull.

"I'm fucking buzzing like! I hope we'll be finally breaking into America this time like" he looks so excited and ready for this chance again. Now with the second album under his belt, it should be a cinch to start making a name for himself with international audiences as well. Him and the lads have worked so hard for this and there is no one who deserves it more.

"It's a shame you can't come with us" he pokes your arm teasingly.

You had moved to London only 5 years ago, and up north to Newcastle only 2. And even though it truly feels like your home now, with all your friends and found family, the happiest you have been in years. You still miss it to be home sometimes, truly home. In New York, where you were born and raised and had lived with your mum and younger sister. You had taken the opportunity to move to London to further your career. And it helps that you travel for work anyways, so you can visit home much more frequently than you first thought. But knowing that Sam and the boys are going over without you this time, after having your band as support act the last time they played the States, feels a bit strange. And wrong.

"I hope I'm going to be too busy to worry about that. And then over the summer I will have some time to go visit mum for a bit" you say fondly.

"I bet it won't be the same this time around though. Sooner or later you'll miss the craziness us lads brought with it" Sam winks at you and you can't help but laugh at that.

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