Chapter 4

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"Are you sure you're okay on your own? It's no problem to stay with us a bit longer" Amber looks up at me, hopeful. "You heard Da. You're more than welcome babe" I smile at her, thinking back to the week I've just spent with her and her family.

Meeting her parents for the first time wasn't half as scary as I thought it might be. They were very welcoming and lovely and I didn't feel like it was rushed or uncomfortable, to take that step in our relationship. Amber's brother Zane, who was a sound engineer at the recording studio we used for our album, had joined us with his boyfriend. I was relieved to see another familiar face. We all had dinner, went for a walk and just got to know each other on a more personal level. None of that fancy musician stuff. Amber's dad was kind enough to invite me around for another Sunday roast whenever I was down in London again. And I promised my girlfriend I'd make use of that one last time before I leave for tour. So I said my goodbyes to the Ketteler family and Amber and I took the tube to King's Cross Station so I could catch my train back home. That's where we're currently waiting.

"I kna, but I've got to get back home like. Wash my stuff, see me mam, get some last-minute shit sorted before we fly oot." I chuckle and run my hand over her long brown looks before my hand stops at the small of her back. "But in two weeks I'll be doon here anyways. Cana fly from Newcastle to LA. We'll all be flying from Heathrow".

"I'll miss you so much" she pouts, and I feel the same when I think about touring and how long I will be gone for.

I just sigh and pull her closer to me. "No need to worried about that just yet, I will see yous again before I leave. I'm not leaving without a goodbye like."

Before I know it, my train is ready to board and I pull Amber up from our chairs and into my arms. She instantly wraps her arms around me and buries her cheek into my chest

"Call me once you're home, alright"

"'Course" I tell her softly before I loosen our hug so I can press a fond kiss onto her lips.

Grabbing my suitcase and green backpack, I gently squeeze her hand one last time and make my way over to the platform to board my train. I see Amber waving goodbye before she leaves the station and returns back to her family home.

Now with a four-hour train ride ahead of me, I opt to watch a movie to pass some time.

Throughout I get texts from my mam, asking me when I will arrive back in Shields, and if she could pop round for dinner. Owain wants to know if the lads and I have gotten any closer to finalizing our setlist for the upcoming gigs. And Dean wants to know if I still need him to give me a lift home from the station.

I respond as quick as I can so I can get back to my light entertainment. But an Instagram notification stops me. Without thinking I quickly click on it and the app opens on my phone. It's a story posted by the official Eden's Crush account, Y/N's band. Apparently they've just made their way into Amsterdam to play their first show tonight.

Eden's Crush Instagram Story

I can't wait to see the videos from the gig, seeing the girls in action

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I can't wait to see the videos from the gig, seeing the girls in action. Seeing Y/N at what she does best. She deserves this so much, I couldn't be prouder.

I'm wondering if she knows that. I really haven't been the best friend in the last few weeks. And even though I've enjoyed my time with Amber and her family, I kept thinking about Y/N and how she's over 600 miles away from me, and will be for the next few months. And the last time I saw and actually spoke to her, we ended in a fight.

God how could I let this happen? To not even say goodbye before she started the most important journey and tour of her life so far?

Before I know it, the familiar neighborhoods of Newcastle come into view and the train comes to a stop. I exit and make my way into the car park, where I can see Dean happily standing and waiting in front of the red Fiat.

"Alreet mate, welcome back" he greets me with a pat on my back before opening the trunk and storing my luggage inside.

"Aye, thanks mate" I return the sentiment and we both climb into the two front seats, driving off towards home.

I've still got Y/N and the last time we saw each other on my mind, I am unusually quiet during our ride. Which my friend seems to notice as well.

"Got something on your mind?" he asks me.

"Nah, it's alreet like" I respond with a little bit too much sadness in my voice. I'm definitely not convincing my best mate.

"Ceemon now Sam. Did something happen with Amber?" he asks concerned.

I sigh and shake my head

"Nah we're fine. Good like. It's Y/N actually." I clear my throat before saying "I've just missed her. More than I first realised" I tell him honestly.

My confession catches Dean by surprise and he turns his head and looks at me a bit too long, probably. Given that he should be focused on the road ahead of us.

"Have yer talked to her at all since your fight?"

I shake my head and turn my face towards the window, not wanting to see the disappointment in my friend.

"Think it's her first gig tonight. You should shoot her a text, wish her good luck"

"A'll figure something oot, reet." I tell him a bit frustrated now. I know that he's right and I shouldn't snap at him. But I hate being treated like a bairn and people pointing things like this out to me. She's my friend, I know how to talk to her.

As we pull up and come to a stop in my driveway, I give Dean a quick hug and tell him thanks, before getting my stuff out of the car and walking up to my front door. Unlocking it and stepping inside, I set my luggage down in the foyer before quickly making my way into the kitchen and sitting down at the table. I pull out my phone and open Y/N's contact. My finger hovering above the number before I finally press it to connect the call.

I'm not sure where we stand exactly, but I need to talk to her, to know she's okay, to hear her voice. I need to know that our friendship still has a chance.

After a few rings I hear her answering


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