Chapter 7

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"And that's why I want to raise a toast to this lad right here, Sam" Owain raises his pint and claps a hand down on my shoulder "You'll have America in your pocket in to time. I'm so proud of how far you've come. And I know you'll smash this too" he exclaims loudly and the room erupts in cheers and approval. I'm sat in the Low Lights with the lads, management and friends, all excited for our big North America take off in a few days. I raise my Guinness in acceptance and to finally start our festivities. "Aye, let's get it boys!" I shout and look at my band in the process. They all have their arms thrown around each other's shoulders, pints in hand and the biggest grins on their faces. "We're off to America" Dean shouts while the others are just wolf whistling and shouting along. I can't wait for the next few months with them!

Saying goodbye to Shields and our friends and family for the time being, will be the hardest though. I know that Dean would take Reagan with him in a heartbeat. Those two are getting married later this year. I can't imagine how that must feel, to be apart for so long this close to agreeing to spend the rest of your lives together. At least Reagan has Maple to keep her company. Dean only has us.

Tom is coming with us, but not Heidi, my little sister. I'm gan miss her and her wonderful quirkiness. And now that Y/N is gone as well, I hope she'll be okay with her two favourites' gone.

My mam is mainly proud of me finally taking this step with the boys. But I know she will always worry and want to make sure I'm okay and taking care of myself while on tour. That's why she insisted to be here tonight as well. Even though we're all going to be absolutely mortal by the end of this.

Even Johnny, Lou and Jack are around to celebrate the night with us. Sometimes I feel like I wouldn't even be where I am now without the older boys. Jack and Johnny have been encouraging me since I started playing and making music. Playing buskers nights together and always there for a good suggestion if I got stuck on a melody or lyric.

"Wor kid, who would've thought eh" Lou teases while ruffling up my hair "Not me like" Johnny agrees with a smirk. Both lads sit down with me after having just come back from a ciggy break outside. "Piss off aye" I shove his arm away from my head but laugh along non the less.

"If you still need a support band, yer know where to find us"

"Nah we're all sorted now, thanks mate" I smile at Lou's teasing.

"You sure yer want to start playing shows with this dickhead like? That's gonna be the most annoying thing Bonds" I say over to Johnny. He just shrugs his shoulders and takes another sip of his beer "A mean I'm technically still in with Van and the lads, might have to ring 'em and settle some new tour dates" with that typical Bondy look of mirth he looks over at me, completely ignoring his shocked friend

"Oh fuck yous!" Lou whines and gets up from his seat next to me before looking at us one last time and dramatically storming off. Johnny and I just cackle at him and clink our drinks together.

"You make sure you won't forget about us like" Johnny looks at me with a very serious and yet puppy like expression.

"Nah I wouldn't dream of it sunshine" I reply just as dramatic and throw my arms around him in a deep hug. That gets us into another laughing fit that we eventually have to part from to catch our breaths.

After a few more minutes of chit chat Johnny turns more serious again.

"I'm actually glad I've got you alone for a minute. I wanted to have a chat with you about somethin" he sits up straighter and turns his full attention towards me

"Have you had the chance to talk to Y/N since she left? Or heard from her?" he asks and I can see a bit of concern in his eyes.

"Why, has somethin happened? Or she said something?" I was getting a little nervous at what she might have told Johnny. I know the two are good friends too but would she sell me out to one of our close friends and tell him what we argued about?

"Not much like. Just mentioned a fight" I take a nervous sip at that

"She seemed a bit upset that you weren't at her farewell. But Sam, I don't even want to get into it. A just want to make sure you talk to each other about whatever the hell happened." I'm relieved to hear him say that. And I can't take him amiss because he's just looking out for his two friends. Typical Johnny Bond.

"Aye, A've actually just called her a couple day ago but she was busy getting ready for her first gig. So we basically just said a quick hello." Johnny hums at that, seemingly satisfied with my answer. Before I know it I open up more.

"To be honest a feel a bit shite aboot not being there" I lower my gaze at my confession. "I've just been so busy with my own prep and making time for my girlfriend." Sighing I continue "And the fight Y/N and I had didn't help I guess. But a should've been there." I run my hand through my hair frustratingly. What the hell happened that I wouldn't be there for my best friend? Shame was slowly starting to creep into me the more I talked to Johnny about it.

"Look, it's done mate. Now you can only make it up to her and make sure it doesn't happen again" he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. Always the voice of reason.

"And so the girlfriend aye. How is that going? She coming with you?"

"Ehm" I chuckle a bit surprised he'd want to talk about Amber and I. "It's good aye. We're having a good time. It's, it's nice, solid. She makes me happy" Johnny smiles at me and I'm glad I'm having a proper talk about my recent relationship updates with someone that doesn't judge me or snap at me.

"But ehm, she ain't coming with us. You know how crazy tour life gets, a don't want to drag her into that, especially so far away from home"

We sit together for another 10 minutes or so before I go and find my mam to spend some time of the night with her.

At around 1am most of our guests have left and the last of us get ready to call it a night as well and make our ways home.

Giving Heidi and Liv a big hug, Tom leaves with them to walk them home safely. Drew and Holly stand outside with Joe until he's finished his last smoke. Before he leaves Johnny comes up to me again and embraces me in a big brotherly hug. He's pretty wasted now too and seems to have less of a filter than just a few hours ago when we were talking.

"Promise me Sam you'll talk to Y/N/N. A'll check up on her and make sure yous made up" he pats me on my head and says one last thing before turning to leave with Lou "She doesn't deserve any mistreatment or heartache. Yer hear me Fender: She's too good for that" blowing me a kiss and Johnny is gone into the night.

I just chuckle at his drunken antics. I turn towards my mam and link her arm into mine "Reet, let's go home!"        

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