Chapter 8

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Sam's pov

Being in LA for the past two weeks was incredible. We arrived, fought the jetlag and got ready to start this North America tour. I had to do some interviews as well as a photoshoot that are all going to be released throughout the tour to get even more promo out and make myself and my music even more interesting and appealing to the American audiences. I'm never too crazy about those tasks but it's part of this job. At least we're finally on location and ready to play our first gig tonight in Los Angeles, and it's at the legendary Troubadour no less. We're all buzzing, even uncle Elton said he'd be there tonight. Everything still feels so unreal.

I've been with the boys all day, it's just gone past 5pm as we walk out of soundcheck and into the backstage area to wind down and prepare for tonight.

The minute I sit down and turn my phone back on I'm bombarded with notifications. At least 8 messages make my phone vibrate and light up as well as 5 missed calls. And they're all from Amber. My breath gets caught in my throat thinking the worst. So without even checking the texts I excuse myself and step out of the room to ring her back.

After several seconds and me ready to give up, she answers.

"Finally" I mumble before addressing her "Ambs you okay? A've just got me phone back and seen all your calls and messages" I try to listen for any signs of distress or where she might be. But the line is eerily quiet. I hear her exhale before she finally speaks

"What were you doing all day? Did you have fun?" she asks me in a very snippy and annoyed tone.

"Ehm, what d'ya mean? We've been prepping for tonight and just got done with soundcheck" I pinch the bridge of my nose out of pure confusion "You alreet, pet?" I ask again.

"Don't know" she hisses into the phone and I'm really just getting more confused by the minute. What is she on about?

"You tell me! Given that its past midnight in London now which means you've completely missed our first Valentine's Day together" she snaps at me.

Oh. Okay. Thank god it's nothing serious.

I clear my throat before I respond "Look Ambs, I'm sorry I've missed it. My mind's just on the gig tonight and everything going right. A wasn't even aware that was today.

"But Saam" she whines "This would've been our first one together. I wanted to speak to you or facetime you all day"

I don't want her to think I don't care, but this is absolutely the last and least important thing on my mind today.

"Well, it's still the 14th where I am" I try to appease her with that "So technically a divvent miss it"

She's pondering over my words and I'm waiting for her to say something

"Ceemon, it's not like a've done this on purpose. I miss yous" I smile down the phone

"Fine, alright" she tries to sound annoyed but I can hear the smile in her voice, knowing I've won her over with that "I miss you too babe. It's killing me that I can't even come over and visit you"

"Me too. But we'll make it work aye".

Before I know it, 20 minutes have passed and I need to get back to the lads.

"I've got to go now. Elton John will be here tonight and he's coming early to have a chat and give us a pep talk, right." I chuckle at her. I'm so excited to see him again and actually have him in the audience tonight. Proper VIP treatment just for him.

"Happy Valentine's Day, again. 'm sorry a couldn't be there today"

"Thanks babe, happy V-Day!" she says excitedly "Good luck tonight, I wish I was there with you".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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