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The glance in the mirror witnesses Zhanghao draped in elegance, wearing a casual black suit, and with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation coursing through his veins, he's not ready for this double date, and neither is Hanbin.

They spent two hours on the phone talking about their supposed true love story and things they didn't know about each other to make their relationship seem more realistic.

Zhanghao can't understand why they're both trying so hard to make it seem real, and he doesn't understand why he's enjoying it either.

He and Hanbin have a love-hate relationship, on the call Zhanghao hung up at least 10 times every time Hanbin got something wrong and threatened him with ending their contract.

These kinds of moments bring people together, and Zhanghao can't deny that Hanbin is someone extraordinary, he never thought that someone like Hanbin could have the same interests as him.

He purses his lips as he stares at his reflection in the mirror, he knows it's going to be very awkward having dinner with his best friend, his ex and his current one.

He's obviously not hurt by this, he and Jiwoong are just friends, but what makes him nervous is the fact that he knows Jiwoong will test Hanbin, because he wants Zhanghao to find someone who will love him for the rest of his life, because he knows that he isn't and will never be the right person for Zhanghao, who is willing to do anything for Matthew and Jiwoong to work out.

"The Zhanghao of the past would never believe that in the future he would be faking a relationship with Hanbin" he says out loud as he looks at himself in the mirror, he looks down at his silver wristwatch and sees that Hanbin must be arriving.

He goes downstairs and hears knocking on the door, he looks at it confused, Hanbin would never knock on his door as he would most likely start beeping the car's horn non-stop.

Zhanghao looks suspiciously at the door and decides to go to his cell phone to see if Hanbin has said anything, but he doesn't see any messages.

He decides to go to the kitchen and get a pan, he calmly goes to the door and unlocks it. He takes a deep breath and opens the door, ready to stab the person in the face with the pan if they were unknown.

He rolls his eyes and puts the pan down after seeing Hanbin at his door, looking at him smiling but then changing his expression when he notices that Zhanghao has a pan in his hand.

"Why do you have a pan in your hand?" he asks confused and Zhanghao shakes his head in denial, he goes back inside and closes the door in Hanbin's face to go put his weapon away.

Hanbin opens his mouth in shock as he processes what has just happened "This son of a bitch just shut the door in my face after showing up with a fucking pan in his hand, who the fuck does this guy think he is?"

"Bitch heard that" Zhanghao says as he quickly opens the door, startling Hanbin who looks at him in surprise.

"Did I say that out loud?" Hanbin asks confused, he was so in shock that he didn't even realize he'd said it out loud.

"No, I read minds" Zhanghao says looking at him annoyed as he goes outside, locking the door and heading towards Hanbin's car.

"Who made you so angry like that?" Hanbin asks as he walks over to the car, opening it for them both to get in.

"You" Hao replies, looking at Hanbin, who swallows dryly. "I'm kidding, I'm just not in the mood for this dinner" he says pretending to be excited, smiling and then closing his face.

"Me neither, I spent a lot of time memorizing everything you told me about yourself" Hanbin says laughing as he drives to the place of the dinner.

"Well, it's just dinner" Hao says dryly as he looks out of the car window, Hanbin glances at him and looks back at the road.

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