Chapter 1

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**Chapter 1: A Normal Beginning**

The first day of seventh grade filled me with a mix of excitement and nerves as I walked to school, my backpack slung over my shoulder. The sun was shining, casting a warm glow over the familiar streets of my neighborhood. I greeted neighbors with a smile, my heart light with anticipation for the day ahead.

Entering Jefferson Middle School, I felt a surge of happiness at the sight of my friends. Lily's energetic wave caught my eye, and I returned it with a grin. Emily, always the studious one, smiled warmly as she adjusted her glasses. Chloe, my adventurous partner in crime, practically skipped over to me for a hug.

We walked together to our first class, chatting and laughing like old times. Memories of summer adventures danced through my mind as we reminisced about lazy days at the pool and late-night sleepovers. Everything felt perfect, just as it always had been.

But beneath the surface, a flicker of unease lingered. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Little did I know, the tranquility of our friendship was about to be tested in ways I never imagined, all because of a new arrival whose presence would soon disrupt the harmony of our tight-knit group.

Whispers of Friendship Lost: Kennedy's Journey Through 7th GradeWhere stories live. Discover now