Chapter 6

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**Chapter 6: Unexpected Revelations**

The recess bell rang, signaling a brief reprieve from the classroom's confines. Despite the heaviness in my heart, I trudged towards the spot where my former friends usually gathered, hoping for a glimpse of familiarity amidst the turmoil.

As I approached, I sensed a palpable tension in the air. The usual laughter and chatter had been replaced by hushed murmurs and solemn expressions. And then, like a sudden bolt of lightning, the news hit me with jarring force.

Sage had broken up with Addison Jonason—a friend who had quietly slipped away from our group, unnoticed by all but me. The revelation struck me like a blow to the chest, leaving me reeling with a mix of shock and hurt. But what stung even more was the sight of my former friends rallying around Sage, offering words of comfort and support while Addison stood alone, forgotten and overlooked.

Anger and empathy surged within me in equal measure as I watched the scene unfold. Ignoring the whispers and stares around me, I made my way towards Addison, my heart pounding with determination.

"Hey, Addison," I said softly, reaching out to her. "Are you okay?"

Addison looked up, surprise flickering across her face before a small smile graced her lips. "I'm... I'm trying to be," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "But it's hard, you know?"

I nodded, offering her a sympathetic smile. "I know, Addison. But you don't have to go through this alone. I'm here for you."

And as we stood there together, two souls weathering the storm of adolescent heartbreak, I couldn't help but feel a surge of solidarity with Addison. Despite the pain and confusion swirling around us, I knew that our bond would only grow stronger in the face of adversity. And as we faced the uncertain road ahead, I vowed to stand by Addison's side, offering her the comfort and support that had been denied to her by those who had once claimed to be her friends.

Whispers of Friendship Lost: Kennedy's Journey Through 7th GradeWhere stories live. Discover now