Chapter 3

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**Chapter 3: The Growing Divide**

As days turned into weeks, a subtle shift began to take hold within our friend group. At first, it was barely noticeable – a whispered conversation here, a shared glance there – but soon, it became impossible to ignore.

Sage had seamlessly integrated herself into our circle, her presence casting a shadow over the dynamics that once felt so effortless. Her infectious laughter echoed through our conversations, her quick wit drawing the attention of my friends like moths to a flame.

I tried to suppress the gnawing feeling of insecurity that gnawed at my insides, but with each passing day, it grew harder to ignore. Lily, Emily, and Chloe seemed captivated by Sage's charm, their attention drifting away from me like leaves carried by the wind.

I attempted to brush off my concerns, clinging to the hope that our friendship was stronger than any newcomer could ever hope to disrupt. But as the days stretched into weeks, it became increasingly clear that the divide between us was widening, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

I watched helplessly as my friends grew closer to Sage, their once-familiar faces now tinged with a sense of exclusion that cut me to the core. I tried to keep up a facade of happiness, plastering on a smile even as my heart ached with loneliness.

But behind closed doors, the tears flowed freely, silent witnesses to the pain that gnawed at my soul. Little did I know, the hardest battles were yet to come, as I struggled to navigate the treacherous waters of adolescence and find my place in a world that suddenly felt so unfamiliar.

Whispers of Friendship Lost: Kennedy's Journey Through 7th GradeWhere stories live. Discover now