Chapter 10

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**Chapter 10: Distant Echoes**

As the days unfolded, a new chapter began in the form of art class—a shared canvas where creativity flowed freely. Addison and I found ourselves side by side, armed with brushes and palettes, ready to explore the world of art together.

However, amid the strokes of our creativity, I couldn't help but sense a subtle shift in Addison's focus. Her attention seemed divided, and as the days passed, I found myself feeling increasingly ignored, a distant echo in the background of her conversations.

In the art room, where colors danced and ideas bloomed, Addison's thoughts seemed to drift towards Sage. Grant, too, was captivated by the tale of potential reconciliation, leaving me on the outskirts of their shared world.

As I dipped my brush into the vibrant hues of paint, I couldn't shake the feeling of isolation creeping over me. Conversations about Sage's possible return dominated the air, drowning out the camaraderie we once shared.

I longed for the days when Addison and I connected through art, sharing dreams and laughter amidst the swirls of creativity. Now, it felt as though a shadow loomed over our shared canvas, casting a pall on the once vibrant collaboration.

Grant's distraction and Addison's preoccupation with Sage left me yearning for the connection we had once shared. The art room, once a sanctuary of shared expression, now echoed with the distant whispers of a love story that didn't include me.

As the days unfolded, I grappled with the ache of feeling overlooked, the vibrancy of our artistic endeavors dimmed by the growing distance between us. In the silence of the art room, the echoes of unspoken feelings lingered, and I wondered if the canvas of our friendship could ever be painted with the same vibrant strokes again.

Whispers of Friendship Lost: Kennedy's Journey Through 7th GradeWhere stories live. Discover now