Chapter 20

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**Chapter 20: A Weighty Decision**

As I sat with Addison in the quiet sanctuary of the art room, her concerned gaze fixed upon me, I grappled with the weight of the truth that threatened to spill from my lips. But as much as I longed to unburden myself, to share the secrets that had weighed heavy on my heart, I couldn't ignore the consequences that loomed on the horizon.

"Addison," I began, my voice trembling with uncertainty. "There's something I need to tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't say anything to anyone else."

Addison nodded solemnly, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and determination. "I promise, Kennedy. You can trust me."

Taking a deep breath, I plunged into the depths of my confession, revealing the truth that had been gnawing at me like a cancerous growth. I explained how my former friends had been vaping, how they had roped me into their dangerous game of rebellion, and how the burden of their secret had become too heavy to bear.

But as the words spilled from my lips, a sense of dread settled over me like a suffocating blanket. I knew that if Addison were to reveal the truth, it would not only shatter the already fragile bonds between us but could also have dire consequences for my former friends.

"Sage has already had issues with ISS," I explained, my voice barely above a whisper. "And if they were caught vaping, they could get in even deeper trouble. Not to mention, they could turn it around on me and say that I was in on it too, even though I know how dangerous vaping can be for my lungs."

Tears welled up in my eyes once more as I confronted the harsh reality of my situation. I knew that keeping their secret was wrong, that I should speak up and take a stand against their reckless behavior. But the fear of further alienating myself, of facing the repercussions of their actions, held me back like a chain around my neck.

As I awaited Addison's response, I prayed silently that she would understand the weight of my decision—that sometimes, the path to redemption was paved with difficult choices and painful sacrifices. And as the moments stretched into eternity, I braced myself for whatever lay ahead, knowing that the road to forgiveness would be long and fraught with uncertainty.

Whispers of Friendship Lost: Kennedy's Journey Through 7th GradeWhere stories live. Discover now