1「 A - F E E L I N G 」1

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third point of view
at the fear-filled halliwell manor

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒, Phaedra's eyes nearly budged out of her head already feeling on the cusp of utterly terrified at the fact that they now weren't able to call out for any kind of help which was a bad sign in a horror movie.

So with a small audible gasp and a fearful narrow of her years, the youngest halliwell quickly rushed around her second oldest sister in order to grab a hold of the house phone in order to check it for herself.

"What?" Phaedra couldn't help but ask after she let out her gasp, feeling a rush of expending doom wash over her as she brought the home phone to her ear.

However she was only met with a deafening silence on the other end of the house phone, causing her to quickly beginning pressing at the receiver button hoping to hear even the slightest crackle of static from the other end.

Although seeing and hearing the sound of Phaedra's index and middle finger pressing harshly and repeatedly on the receiver, Prue couldn't help but shake her head and cross her arms once again finding her youngest sister's actions both amusing and worrying.

At this point it was only a matter of how much the phone could handle before Phaedra would most likely break it in her panicked movement.

"Of course it doesn't work, Phae," Prue quickly spoke up from a few steps behind Phae, causing the young woman to ultimately give up as she leaned forward on the table the house phone was on in order to let out another sigh. "the power's out, so if one of you will just come with me to the basement."

With that Prudence motioned back to were they'd walked from, however her suggestion to go into their dark and creepy basement, something of which both Phaedra and Phoebe believed was one hundred percent haunted only caused Phaedra to quickly whirl around.

"Excuse you?" She asked appalled and confused on why her sister wanted to add another possibly poltergeist onto the one they already had by going into their desolate dark basement, something they weren't even allowed to go in as children.

Subsequently that detailed must of slipped Prue's mind as she only continued to motion toward the basement, turning her attention more so on Piper who was acting a bit more calm after having a second or two to just breathe.

"I need one of you to hold the flashlight, preferably not Phae," Prue continued to try and convince one out of the two of them to come down to the basement, even throwing a soft look over to Phaedra, preferring not to have her panicky hand holding her only source of light. "while I check out the main circuit box."

However before Piper and Phaedra could persuade their oldest sister to simply abandon the home for the night, the sound of another set of foot steps began to come from the living room causing the calmest of the three to quickly look over.

Piper's eyes ultimately landing on Phoebe who had suddenly come up behind them after disappearing off, whilst Phaedra and Piper grabbed whatever they could to clothed themselves. 

The third halliwell sister instead of joining the discussion with her sisters walked directly toward the large staircase that lead up into the second level of the house.

Although even as she took the first few steps with a sure fire courage in her heart, fear quickly seeped in at the thought of venturing up the stairs alone into the unknown causing her to quickly pause after the second or third step.

"Phoebe, what are you doing?" Piper was the first to ask as she was the only one to notice Phoebe, however her words quickly brought the attention of Phaedra and Prue.

Both of which quickly reared around to look at Phoebe, although realizing there was another person that could instead going to the basement with Prue.

"Phoebe, Phoebe will go with you," Phaedra spoke as if she had the brightest idea as she walked over toward the staircase, a pleading look on her face as she basically begged her older sister. "Phoebe, you'll go with her to the basement, won't you?"

"Nope I'm going to the attic." Phoebe answered almost immediately as she motioned up the stairs with her flashlight, something in her heart and the forefront of her mind told her to head up the stairs.

However not everyone shared the same thought and feelings, especially not Phaedra who, we've already determined was highly terrified at the moment.

"Why-why-why would you do that?" Phaedra frantically stuttered as her face for a second went deadpanned then blatantly confused with furrowed eyebrows.

Given going to the place the creepy poltergeist had suggested didn't seem like the best idea, at least not in Phaedra's mind at the moment.

Although hearing her question, Phoebe only turned to her younger sister with a sigh before she put on a blank face, realizing there was nothing she could have said that would have made Phaedra understand, her current train of thought.

"Why not?" Phoebe shrugged her shoulders softly as she clutched at the flashlight in her hands, no longer wanting to explain as she took a few more steps up the stiars.

Each step being slow and slightly hesitant as she was a bit scared of what could possibly be waiting for her at the top of the stairs, however, she'd always been an adventurous person.

"Because there's a poltergeist!" Phaedra continued to shout as she waved her arms over her head and toward the top of the stairs, not believing of any attempt to disproof her theory.

Yet that wasn't without the trying of her other sisters.

"It's not a poltergeist," Prue spoke up with a slight roll of her eyes, used to Phaedra's childish ideas and thoughts thanks to her rather spoiled upbringing.

Giving she was one out of the three women that had raised the youngest Halliwell.

"And no you are not, we already agreed." Prue spoke as she turned back toward Phoebe, who had already stopped at least three steps further up on the steps.

𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍  ✧  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐃(1998)Where stories live. Discover now