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third point of viewat the forgiving halliwell manor

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third point of view
at the forgiving halliwell manor

third point of viewat the forgiving halliwell manor

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Phaedra Halliwell
The Youngest Halliwell

𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐁𝐄'𝐒 𝐎𝐋𝐃-𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐁𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌, Phaedra quickly shut the door behind her as if she was on her way to learn some incredible secret, sneakingly closing the door behind her.

Causing Piper who was sitting on her bed looking over the few pieces of clothing she owned, to giggle as playing make-believe was something they did often when they were kids.

"Spill." Phaedra spoke as she pointed towards her third older sister, rushing over to sit in front of her on the bed immediately wanting all the details on the Richard Situation.

"Nothing happened." Phoebe immediately attempted to wave off the situation as nothing instead looking back down and folding the shirt in her hands.

However, Phaedra cared for none of that as she quickly threw herself on the bed, rolling over the other side, being mindful not to mess up the clothes Phoebe had folded as she got comfortable.

"Okay, then why didn't you tell me," She asked as she grabbed a hold of one of the pillows, squeezing it in her arms and using it to hold up her head. "we tell each other everything?"

With that Phaedra lightly began to shake her third older sister's leg with a small pout on her face, causing Phoebe to roll her eyes with a small chuckle.

"I didn't think it was important." Phoebe lied with a chuckle unable to look her sister in the eyes, instead grabbing her remote and changing the channel.

Although Phaedra wouldn't let the conversation die there, not waiting until her sister finished flipping channels as she spoke with a slight scoff.

"You didn't think telling me our oldest sister's boyfriend and almost fiancé accusing you of throwing yourself at him was important," She recapped the dumbed-down explanation her sister was attempting to feed her, before tilting her head with a blunt look on her face. "do I look stupid?"

As she spoke the last four words, a slight Dominican accent slipped off of the girl's tongue due to her paternal heritage seeping from her being.

"It was a long while ago." Phoebe continued to avoid the conversation as she glanced back down at the folded clothes in front of her, yet that didn't stop Phaedra's prying.

"Is it why she turned down the proposal," Phaedra asked prying further into the point as she scooted up the bed a bit more, not allowing her sister to ignore her. "give me the four-one one?!"

Glancing over at Phaedra who was so adamant about gaining information about the situation, whilst already nearly bursting at the seams over what'd happened so long ago.

She'd felt so many emotions after it'd happened, especially as it was a major reason why she decided to leave home, along with suggesting the four of them sell their childhood home.

"He came onto me one night a few days before I left, he was completely sober with no care for his relationship. " Phoebe slowly spilled out the basics of what'd happened, guilt had riddled her ever since she told Prue the truth. "that's what made me sure I wanted to go."

Almost immediately as she took in the saddened guilty look on Phoebe's face, Phadrea quickly sat up on all fours crawling over to her sister to engulf Phoebe's head in her smaller arms.

"Oh, Phoebe." She spoke sympathetically whilst wrapping her arms around her sister's head, realizing just how alone her sister must felt.

The two situations pile onto each other almost at the same time, Phoebe's impromptu suggestion of selling the house, then Richard's attempt at seducing her whilst being with their older sister.

"It's fine," Phoebe said tapping her younger sister's arms before settling into the hug, something she'd missed for the last six months. "as long as she's done with that douche."

With that, she stood up and grabbed a hold of a large pillow, placing it in Phaedra's arms before moving away from the bed, knowing her sister would whine if she'd just left her arms.

Instead replacing her presence with another pillow, before walking over towards the mirror, as the TV finally finished the load of commercials before going to the main event.

The news, which Phaedra ended up paying attention to as Phoebe began looking at herself in the mirror, or rather daydreaming over the past event.

However as they fell into a soft comfortable silence, it was quickly broken by the four rapid knocks on the large wood bedroom door.

"It's me." Piper's voice came from the other side of the door after her knocks drew the attention of both Phoebe and Phaedra, the former speaking up as it was her bedroom.

"Come on in," Phoebe exclaimed towards the door not moving from her position in front of the mirror, Phaedra only cuddling closer to the pillow in her arms. "thank god, I'm starving."

Phoebe thanked Piper genuinely as she noticed the large antique mirrored silver tray she was holding, which held two small plates each holding a diagonally cut fancy patty melt sandwich.

Not only that there was also a side bowl of garlic french fries, another slightly larger bowl of plump purple grapes, and lastly there was a large glass of homemade strawberry soda

Something Piper figured her younger sister, who'd been away from their home for so long, would want.

Not only that cooking was something that always allowed Piper to relax as it was something that often kept her connected with her long-deceased mother and recently deceased grandmother.

Plus she knew that whatever Phoebe didn't eat, Phaedra would as she had always been the one to skimp off of everyone's plate for whatever she wanted if they didn't eat it fast enough.

"Figured." Piper said already having expected that as she walked further into the room, sitting the plate of food on the bed.

"Oh, how I love having a sister that's a chef." Phaedra spoke happily clapping her hands as she gazed down at the medium-sized display of fragrant snacks and sandwiches that had been sat in front of her.

"I'm surprised you haven't baked the kitchen away, yet." Piper joked with a chuckle as she watched Phaedra grab one of the sandwiches and the plate along with it.

Using it to stop anything from falling onto Phoebe's bed, since she knew her sister, along with anyone else in the world, didn't like having crumbs in her bed.

"Ran out of sugar this morning, sadly," Phaedra spoke after taking a bite and chewing her food, wiping a few crumbs from the corner of her mouth.

Just like her second older sister, Phaedra had a minimal knack for cooking, but just like when she chose painting over simply sketching, her passion lay with baking.

No matter how similar the two were, she would always prefer one over the other, something that she felt she picked up as Piper was always a little too bossy when it came to the stovetop.

Usually only left her to bake the desert as she and Grams dealt with the more dangerous to kids stuff, so baking had filled her heart ever since she was young.

𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍  ✧  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐃(1998)Where stories live. Discover now