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the third point of viewat the argumentative Halliwell Manor

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the third point of view
at the argumentative Halliwell Manor

the third point of viewat the argumentative Halliwell Manor

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Phaedra Halliwell
The Youngest Halliwell

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐁𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, Phaedra kept her mouth shut even after Piper turned towards her for help in telling their oldest sister, however, there wasn't a point.

Seconds later the front door was quickly pushed open by none other than their last sister, Phoebe who'd once and always be known as the wild child.

"Surprise," Phoebe greeted with a wide smile in a cheery tone as she closed the door behind her, before turning back and holding up a key. "I found the hide-a-key."

Almost immediately as she saw her youngest older sister walking in the house a sudden burst of excitement ran through Phaedra, Phoebe had always been the sister she envied most.

With the way everyone just allowed her to be free throughout the years, whilst Phaedra, herself had always been caged in the house, her only outlet being the paintings she made of the world.

"Pheebs!" She squealed as she quickly rushed over to her sister, her arms spread wide as she couldn't wait to feel her sister's love again.

"Phae!" Phoebe yelled in the same fashion as she dropped the umbrella in her hand, instead catching her younger sister as she leaped into her arm.

"I'm so happy you're here." Phaedra spoke as she wrapped her arms around her sister's shoulder and her legs around her waist, forcing her to hold her up.

Even though the two were similar in weight and height, this quickly caused Phoebe to drop her after stumbling back a few steps.

"God, Phae what have you been eating?" Phoebe asked sarcastically with a groan as she quickly threw her sister and her weight off.

Causing a giggling Phaedra to jump back pulling her curly hair from her face as she stood back on her legs, whilst pulling her skirt down.

"Phoebe, welcome home." Piper spoke as she walked over after giving Prue a guilty smile, the mediator of the family quick to welcome back her younger sister with a smile.

"Hey, Piper." Phoebe greeted in the same tone with a smile before the two embraced in a small hug, both deeply missing the other.

" It's so good to see you," Piper spoke into the hug before the two slowly let go of each other and she turned towards their oldest sister. "isn't it, Prue?"

"I'm speechless." Prue answered monotonously as she watched the three of them interact, the woman making it obvious she wasn't very happy to see her sister.

To not let her oldest sister's attitude ruin Pheobe's first few seconds home, Phaedra quickly interjected herself back into the situation.

"So am I," She spoke as if Prue's words hadn't been sarcastic, instead trying to bring back a lightness to the atmosphere. "New York City, oh my god, the big city."

The youngest Halliwell let out a small squeal at the mere thought of moving to the place she'd heard and read so much about, from the fashion to the people, to the ART.

Phae didn't know how many nights she dreamed of being a big-time artist in THE New York City, in a large loft apartment filled with painting after painting already sold.

"I can't wait to go." She spoke again with enough excitement that she looked ready to bounce off the walls, her words causing all three of her sisters to smile.

"Here we go." Prue spoke amused with a joking roll of her eyes, all of them had spent hours in total listening to Phaedra rave about going to New York.

Phoebe even swore that as soon as their younger sister graduated from college, they'd take that summer and go straight to New York.

However, before any of them could drown in their youngest sister's adorable attitude they were interrupted by the sound of a car's horn from outside.

"Oops," Phoebe spoke an apologetic look on her face, she'd almost forgotten about the cab waiting outside due to their moment. "I forgot about the cab fair."

Hearing her words, Piper's face grew a wince as Prue turned towards her with a look that screamed 'I told you so,' Phaedra, Phoebe, and Piper decided to just ignore it entirely.

"I'll get it." Piper spoke throwing her younger sister a forgiving smile before she quickly scurried towards the door, grabbing a hold of a black clutched purse as she went.

"Piper, that's my purse." Prue quickly spoke as she realized who'd purse her sister had grabbed only as she made it to the front door, grabbing a hold of her jacket.

However, Piper only threw her a smile as she closed the door behind her, hoping to force her two sisters together would get them talking, if not their youngest sister would hopefully settle the tension.

"Thanks," Phoebe spoke as she looked at her oldest sister, she honestly would have paid the cab fare if she'd had any money on her. "I'll pay you back."

At Phoebe's words, Prue only let out a scoff and looked away from her sister, knowing that there was no way that Phoebe would ever pay her back.

Even if she tried to, it was Prue who wouldn't take the money from her younger sister, this was simply pettiness between sisters.

"I'll help you with your bags," Phaedra spoke trying to settle the tension before realizing the only bag Phoebe had with her was the one on her back and in her hand. "where are your bags?"

Realizing the same thing, Prue's eyebrows furrowed, when it came to money problems she hoped it didn't lie so deep that Phoebe had to sell her own clothing.

"Is that all that you brought?" Prue asked confused, she knew that Phoebe had left quickly when she went to New York, but she was sure she'd taken more than this.

"It's all that I own," Phoebe responded normally with a clench of her eyebrows, she'd been living with so little for so long it didn't seem that concerning to her. "that and a bike."

"Well don't you worry, I have a closet stocked full of clothes," Phaedra quickly began to speak as she offered up any clothes that owned that Phoebe could fit, which should be most of them. "borrow what you need, Pheebs."

𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍  ✧  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐃(1998)Where stories live. Discover now