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the third point of viewat the argumentative halliwell manor

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the third point of view
at the argumentative halliwell manor

the third point of viewat the argumentative halliwell manor

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Phaedra Halliwell
The Youngest Halliwell

𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄, Phaedra gaining the youngest Halliwell a similar one in return from Phoebe, although their display didn't seem loved by all.

As it was Prue who let out a small scoff at the entire situation, it was once again that Phoebe was given something she hadn't worked for, which was a clear pattern all their lives.

Yet hearing their oldest sister scoff, the small smile on Phaedra's face dropped into a wince as she knew an argument was about to develop.

As she watched Phoebe roll her eyes so hard it seemed like they did roll into the back of her head, Phaedra knew she was right.

"Look, I know that you don't want me here..." Phoebe began to speak in defense of herself, however, she was quickly cut off by an annoyed Prue.

"We're not selling Grams' house." She spoke clearly and deadpanned as she crossed her arms, her words shocking both Phaedra and Phoebe.

"Prue-" Phaedra tried to speak to calm down and try to stop the situation before it happened, but just like most of her childhood, she was quickly spoken over.

"Is that why you think I came back?" Phoebe quickly asked as she held her hand out in front of Phaedra, physically yet nonverbally telling her to back down for a moment.

It wasn't out of the blue that Prue thought this as it had been a bit before she'd moved out and after Grams passed away, Phoebe had a little bit more than suggested that they sold the house.

A house that passed from Halliwell to Halliwell back to when they first got their last name, but the house itself had been left to Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Phaedra in their mother and grandmother's will.

It would still take a unanimous vote to get the house back onto the market.

"Look, the only reason Piper and I gave up our apartment and moved back here," Prue began to explain without a breath, glaring over at her younger wild sister. "is because this house has been in our family for generations, and Phaedra couldn't take care of it alone."

Listening to Prue speak on her whilst almost motioning toward her, Phaedra held up her hand slightly going to step into the conversation.

"You know why don't we wait until Piper gets back to have this conversation-" Phaedra attempted to speak up before any feelings were hurt, but she was once again drowned out.

"No Phae, Prue needs to realize that I don't need a history lesson, alright, I grew up here too," Phoebe cut off her younger sister, not taking her eyes off of Prue as she continued: "so can we talk about what's really bothering you?"

"No, I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I'm furious with you." Prue spoke her eyes slightly losing their squint as she glanced off to the side, which was a quick tell to Phaedra that she was either fully or partially lying.

"I'm pretty sure Piper's gonna be back-" She tried once again to jump into the conversation, however just as when they were little she was quickly drowned out.

"No, this is fine, because Prue would rather have a pointless tense reunion with boring bullshit chitchat and small talk, right?" Phoebe asked all in one breath as she leaned back and crossed her arms at Prue, her potty mouth causing Phaedra's eyes to widen.

Her third older sister had never been one to curse especially after their Grams threatened profusely to wash her mouth out with soap, however, it seems to have leaked out again.

"No," Prue spoke tilting her to the side her tone going blank, before she continued in her usual sarcastic tone. "but otherwise we won't have anything to talk about."

"I never touched Roger." Phoebe suddenly spoke without snide or malice causing a loud gasp to come from Phaedra, who quickly tried to mask it with her hand.

"Phoebe." Prue spoke louder than usual for her in a higher pitch tone, her eyes glancing over towards Phaedra as if she were expecting some type of judgment or pity.

Although Phaedra would never once look at her sister with any misguided pity, she loved her sister and right now all she felt was anger towards Richard, whom she never approved.

"I know you think otherwise because that's what that Armani-wearing, Chardonnay-slugging, trust-funder told you, but-" Phoebe just continued to speak on what she'd never gotten the chance to as she'd just chose to originally run away from the situation.

However, she was quickly cut off by Piper, who'd walked back into the door still up-tempo and happy as she hadn't heard any of the conversations between her three other sisters.

"Hey, I have a great idea," Piper spoke cheerily as she closed the door behind her, but not breaking up the tense eye contact between Prue and Phoebe. "why don't I make a fabulous reunion dinner."

"I'm not hungry." Prue almost immediately spoke squinting once again at Phoebe before throwing a soft look towards her littlest sister before hurriedly leaving the room.

This caused Piper to only be able to watch on as her oldest sister disappeared out of the room, however before she could even speak up to stop her, Phoebe spoke instead.

"I ate on the bus." Phoebe spoke as well not wanting to act nice anymore after arguing with Prue, she'd planned to talk to her at some point.

But in her mind, she'd hoped the conversation would have gone a lot differently, which was the reason why she'd quickly sped out of the room in the same fashion Prue had.

"Okay, we'll try the group hug later," Piper spoke to herself as she watched both of them walk away, before turning towards Phae and questioning. "what happened?"

Turning towards her usually mediating sister, Phaedra's expression held one of weariness and worry as she felt she'd been dragged through an emotional train derailing.

"I'm not good at being the moderator in the family," She spoke out still in shock from the information she'd just recently gotten, all of which was oblivious to them for months. "so apparently there's a lot we don't know."

As she spoke she turned to her second to oldest sister, knowing she needed to fill her in on what she'd just learned from the argument.

Although made sure to additionally warn Piper not to bring anything up as she hadn't gotten all the information and didn't want to send her sister in and throw her under the bus.

𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍  ✧  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐃(1998)Where stories live. Discover now