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third point of viewat the witching halliwell manorunedited

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third point of view
at the witching halliwell manor

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𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐔𝐏 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐃 𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑, Phaedra attempted to stick as close to her third older sister as possible fear creeping up the back of her spine.

Despite all the time she'd once found herself spending in the very same attic, it felt nowhere near as warm as it once did.

When Grandmother still fluttered through the room like a woman half her age, and the brightest smile Phaedra had ever seen especially for a woman who'd lost so many.

However before she could continue on with her internal struggle with the memories that her Grams was still apart of, the older woman's death still a hard slash to Phae's heart.

"Are you sure about this, Phoebe?" Phaedra couldn't help but ask against the back of her older sister's shirt, the younger of the two not allowing her sister much room away.

Having always had a mental rule that Phaedra swore would keep her alive in a horror movie, that rule being never to be at the very back of the group or the very front; however, now only standing with two people one of the options was inevitable.

"Come on Phae," Phoebe spoke calmly despite the shake of her hand that caused the light of the flashlight to jitter, the woman just as scared but better at hiding it. "it's not even that scary up here."

With that soft lie slipping free of Phoebe's lips, Phaedra couldn't help but glare at the back of her sister's head, because whether Phoebe felt I was scary or not, Phae definitely thought it was.

Especially as she watched her closest in age, yet still older sister attempt to open the attic's large solid wooden door.

Her hand only managing to twist the door knob half the way, before the lock's performing mechanisms did what they were supposed to, keeping it from fully twisting and keeping the two of the them out.

And seeing this, Phaedra couldn't help the small sigh that life her lips, the youngest halliwell simply grateful that she didn't have to actually go in the terrifying attic.

"Great," Phaedra spoke as she took a small gulp, trying to steal her nerves and sudden dry mouth that she was experiencing. "can we go now?"

The woman's eyes darting around in fear as she finished speaking, despite nothing overly scary having happened just yet, but there was still time for the supernatural to rear its ugly head.

Nonetheless, hearing her sister's near trembling voice, Phoebe naturally threw a short glance to her smaller half sister, who was currrently cowering behind her.

The older of the two, quickly realizing the fear that Phaedra had been giving off as they came up the stairs wasn't as small as she'd first expected.

"Yeah, come on." Phoebe spoke with a small nod of her head, knowing there was no point in trying to bust down the oak door at a time like this.

Instead turning back toward the way they'd entered, ready to head back down the stairs and wait for Prue and Piper.

Yet before they could even make it more than three steps away, the sound of creaking metal and wood drew both of their attention and halted their steps.

Phoebe turning slowly as if in disbelief about what she was hearing, however already being in the back and closer to the doors, Phaedra had heard it almost immediately.

Causing the teen's head to swiftly shoot aground in order for her to look upon the attic door, which had chose that moment to eerily creek open after they closed their backs.

The realiziation of which, causing the younger of the two to look profusely between her older sister and the door, the former looking awestruck at the latter.

"Oh please, don't make me go in there," Phaedra nearly begged and whined as she could practically feel her sister's need for adventure brewing at her seems, simply from the look on her face. "Phoebe?"

Although instead of an answer, Phoebe only turned her head to the left to look over at her sister, an already apologetic expression her face as she gave a clear non-verbal answer.

The Older Halliwell amogst the two already knowing her youngster was most likely clearly already understanding of what she wanted to do, what she did.

Which was softly begin walking into the attic of their childhood home.

"Ugh Phoebeee," Phaedra scoffed with an annoyed whine, knowing she was already entirely too scared to run back down stairs alone...in the dark. " wait for me."

With that the teen quickly scurried into the attic after her older sister, having realizing the woman was most likely not going to give up this opportunity to investigate a possible excitement causing situation.

The only thing that would deter her older sister, in Phaedra's mind would be the scary demon the both of them swore possessed the basement.

"Did the attic always look this abandoned soul filled?" Phaedra naturally ask in a whisper as she felt a shiver creep up her spine, finally having caught back up with her sister, quick to hide herself within Phoebe's shadow.

"There are no abandoned souls up here Phae," Phoebe was quick to remind her sister, using the flashlight she'd brought to brighten the gloomy contents of their attic. "we've lived here all our lives."

However as she mentioned this, Phoebe, after taking in some of the more unfamiliar details to their old attic, couldn't help but not how different it seemed from her memories.

Unable to put a pin on just why and how there were so many differences, especially as she noticed the more unusual things, suck as vials, frilly cloths, odd woolen sacks, etc.

Yet as her eyes continued to roll over the contents of the room, Phaedra doing the same from behind her sister's back, Phoebe unconsciously noticed the flicker of something shiny as the flash light ran over it.

Causing the light of it to be reflected back into her own eyes, Phoebe look on in her wonder with furrowed eyebrows as she took in what appeared to be a large trunk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍  ✧  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐃(1998)Where stories live. Discover now