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third point of view
at the motherless halliwell manor
the third daughter's bedroom

third point of viewat the motherless halliwell manorthe third daughter's bedroomunedited

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Phaedra Halliwell
The Youngest Halliwell

𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐀'𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐘 𝐂𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐁𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐏𝐄𝐑, the second to oldest of her sister's haven heard the sound of the local news reporting, which she noticed held a familiar face.

"Hey, that's my boyfriend, Jeremy," Piper spoke up pointing towards the TV causing Phoebe and Phaedra to quickly turn towards the same direction. "what happened?"

She finished with furrowed eyebrows as she noticed the amount of police and police tape behind her boyfriend, it was obvious nothing good happened behind him.

"Some woman got whacked." Phoebe answered blatantly as she took a bite of one of the french fries, freezing as she remembered just how delicious her sister's cooking had always been.

Although hearing Phoebe use such blatant language at something that she saw was a horrifying event, Piper couldn't help but look over at her partly shocked.

Phaedra on the other hand couldn't help but giggle at the language from around her sandwich, she'd heard much worse on the bus ride to school.

"Whacked," Piper breathed turning towards her younger sister, shocked and slightly amused by her use of language. "Phoebe, you've been in New York way too long."

"I should have stayed." Phoebe replied almost immediately causing the mood in the room to slightly drop, Phaedra immediately looked up at her older sister.

Not expecting the light conversation to take such a harsh tone, given the fact that they'd all just barely reunited before the drama between them through off the atmosphere

"Phoebe." Phaedra dragged out her sister's name sympathetically as she ran her hand lightly along her shin, trying her best to comfort her without wasting the plate in front of her.

Although Phoebe was hearing none of it, especially not the sympathetic look if she had known that Prue didn't want her here, she wouldn't have come back.

Even though she had nowhere else to go, she would have avoided their family home like a plague if she had known.

"Why did nobody tell her I was coming back?" She asked a pout on her face as she lightly hit Phaedra's hand, given the fact that she couldn't keep a secret about her death.

However, Phaedra already had an excuse given the fact that she had only found out about it recently.

"I didn't know until two days ago." Phaedra spoke shrugging her shoulders a pout on her face as she turned away from her, slightly annoyed that everyone added her in on the blame.

Not like anyone ever tells her anything in the first place given the fact that they believe she couldn't keep a secret, which in Phaedra's mind was a complete lie.

"I couldn't risk her changing the locks," Piper responded when Phoebe turned towards her for an explanation, to which she garnered an understanding look. "and besides, I think you should have been the one to tell her not me."

Hearing both her older and younger sister's explanations, Phoebe could understand why it would be hard for them to tell Prue, there was a reason she had left it to Piper.

She expected to tell Phaedra, then in turn she would end up blurting it out or acting out of the ordinary.

"Good point, Chicken Little," Phoebe joked using one of Piper's old nicknames, causing herself and Phaedra to let out a snicker, whilst Piper rolled her eyes. "it's just so hard for me to talk to her, she's always been more like a mother."

"Raised me." Phaedra added as she finished most of her sandwich, sitting it back on the plate and then back on the tray Phoebe rolled her eyes this time.

"So it's not her fault," Piper spoke up in a triumphant voice as she felt that her point had been proven, especially since she was the one who knew the most about what Prue gave up. "she practically had to sacrifice her childhood to raise us."

However, as she finished speaking Phoebe decided to mimic her words perfectly as she had heard them so many times, even Phaedra mouthing the words as Piper said them.

"her own childhood to raise us," Phoebe mimicked with a small roll of her eyes, already expecting Piper to take up for Prue which honestly annoyed her, despite knowing how right Piper was. "yeah, yeah, yeah."

But it felt like Piper was simply ignoring everything she was saying, only focusing on the negative aspects of their sisterhood, of course, she was grateful for Prue raising them.

Couldn't she be both grateful for her sister and biter at the fact that she was barely there as a sister, not only that there was more to their mutual annoyance of each other than simply that.

"And we're lucky she was so responsible," Piper continued despite being mimicked and talked over, there was just so much in her mind that Phoebe hadn't known about. "you and I had it easy, all we had to do was be there, but she had to literally raise Phaedra."

"Yeah, well, I don't need a mum anymore," Phoebe bit back softly looking down at the plate in front of her, the food haven gone partially cold. "and neither does Phaedra, you know, I need a sister."

With that the conversation went just as cold as the food, with no one talking for a moment, Piper not knowing exactly what to say to mediate everything.

She'd always been seen as the wise sister, the mediator, the one that held everyone together, but there were many times were even she didn't know what to say or to do.

"Don't knock her too hard Pheebs," Phaedra spoke up instead once again sympathetically rubbing Phoebe's calf, Piper wasn't the only one who didn't like the discord between their sisters. "she wants the same from you, trust me."

However immediately as she finished speaking there was another knock at the door, drawing all three of their attention.

However they all knew there was only one other person left in the house to knock, so it was no surprise when they were greeted by Prue as she opened the door.

A hesitant look on her face and her hands filled with another blanket, this one thicker than the one already on her bed.

"This was always the coldest room in the house." She spoke softly raising the blankets, before sitting them down on the soft chair in the corner of the room.

"Thanks." Phoebe thanked blandly as she watched Prue sit them down, only causing Prue's steps to partially stutter before she quickly exited the room.

"Maybe just try to talk to her one on one," Phaedra attempted after the more than bleak atmosphere, that had developed the moment Prue entered. "and no shouting."

𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍  ✧  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐃(1998)Where stories live. Discover now