𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓🔞

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Yn pov
It's been 6 months now and my relationship with Jungkook is not as good as I thought. Ever since Hana came into our lives, Jungkook's behavior has changed. Earlier he used to give me time but now he has started coming home late in 5-6 days and has started leaving early. I hardly meet him since we live in the same house and even if we meet, we spend that time arguing. And at this time also I am waiting for Jungkook and now it is 12:34 in the night. Well, I always go to sleep early because I have a habit of sleeping early, I don't wake up till late. But today I have to talk to Jungkook so I won't let myself sleep early.

After waiting for some time, I saw that, Jungkook had came and he was going towards his room. I came out of my room and I went to him. I saw that he was drunk and he was not in his senses. He drank like this in front of me for the first time today. I said to him.........

Yn: Jungkook what is th........

Before I could say anything, Jungkook pinned me to the wall and came near my face and started kissing my face. I could smell the smell of his liquor, then he started kissing my neck, I was also feeling this action of his, I was enjoying it very much. But after some time I suddenly remembered and I gently pushed him from his shoulders and said.........

Yn: Jungkook, I'm not in the mood for this right now, I need to talk to you, move away from me.

He lovingly held my cheeks in his palms and looked into my eyes and said..........

Jk: Yn I love you so much I don't want to fight with you over anything or anyone at all. For me now there is no one better than you in this world, you are the only one who taught me love again. I don't need anything from Hana, just you stay with me. And now even Hana will not come among us, she has gone back to Korea.

Yn: But why do you always come so late at night and why are you so drunk today?

Jk: I was busy working on a deal for a week, today it got finalized and to celebrate its victory, we had a small party today in which I drank too much.

Yn: But when I argued with you about you come home late, why didn't you tell me about it?

Jk: The deal I had was with very dangerous mafias, so I did not want to bother you thinking about me and my safety.

Yn: You crazy person, are you forgetting that I know how to fight well. If you had even a single scratch, I would not have left them.

Jk: Yes yes I know my cat.
So now let's continue what we were doing.

Yn: It's not us, it's just you, and now I'm going to sleep, this thing of yours will be done some other day.

Jk: No, you won't sleep at all today when we do all that.

He again tied me to the wall and started kissing me hungrily and aggressively on my lips. I also started kissing him again the same way he was kissing me, we were dependent on kissing. He grabbed my ass and lifted me up, I tied my legs around his waist. And put my hands around his neck. When I did all this, he smirk in the middle of the kiss. We both came into my room while kissing and he brought me down and sat on the bed and said...............

Jk: Can you show yourself well in front of me? If yes then take off your clothes. If no then tell me, I will leave your room.

Jk pov
As soon as I said all this, she smirk and took off all her clothes one by one and she became completely naked in front of me. I was not able to control myself at that time and I didn't even want to control myself, her hot and sexy naked body was making me more horny. She came near me and started taking off my shirt. Then I said.........

Jk: I heard that you were in no mood to do all this.

Yn: But you put me in the mood to do all this.

Jk: seriously?

Yn: Don't talk too much now.

She took off my shirt and then started giving wet kisses on my neck with her mouth. She stopped after a while and started kissing me on my lips. I also held her neck and started kissing her. Then her hands went near my black pants and she opened the button of my pants and I took off my pants. Her hands went inside my boxer and she started squeezing my dick. A small moan came from my mouth.

Jk: aah~

She released my dick and started removing my boxers, in which I also cooperated. I took out my boxer and grabbed her ass and pulled her towards me and made her sit on my lap. I placed my hands on her waist and she started moving on my lap. Due to which I was becoming more horny, she started rubbing her pussy against my private parts. I started feeling pleasure and I lay down on the bed and started moaning, enjoying it.

Jk: Ahhhh mmh......

She stopped and started looking at me, I got up and held her by the back of her neck and put my tongue inside her mouth and started kissing her. Then I took out my tongue from her mouth and started sucking her lower lip. I rubbed her clit with the thumb of my one hand and kept doing it. She took pleasure in this and let out a moan in between the kiss.

Yn: Ahh.....

I stopped the action of my thumb and started rubbing my dick with her clit and while doing this, after some time I inserted my dick inside her. After putting my entire thing inside her I said to her..............

Jk: B-baby ride on me.

Yn: Ahhh y-yes.

She started to move on me, slowly, slowly, I started sucking her nipples, biting her nipples, I kept playing with her braids. I started giving wet kisses on her neck and then started giving hickeys. After doing this work, I looked at her and said.........

Jk: Baby, this is too slowly, I will teach you how to ride properly.

I made her lie down on the bed and i came on top of her, while still inside her. Then I held her hands tightly above her head and said.......

Jk: Now look into my eyes and learn how to do it.

She looked into my eyes and I started moving inside her, I increased the speed of moving inside her and we both kept moaning, feeling heaven inside each other. I kept moving on inside her then I felt something and I said to her............

Jk: Baby I'm about to cum.

Yn: Me too.

We both cummed and I lay down on her side taking heavy breaths. I pulled her towards me and kissed her sweetly on her lips and cuddling each other then she said...........

Yn: Can you bring me birth control pills?

Jk: Why don't you want to be the mother of my child?

Yn: Yes, I want but not now, I have to fight a lot for my brother and then when I get him, I will marry you and leave this mafia business. Then I will become your child's mother.

Jk: I will help you to save your brother. And I will also bring you birth control pills. Okay, go to sleep now.

We both fell asleep sweetly in each other's arms.

❝𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬❞ 🔞 [ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝  ]Where stories live. Discover now