𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒

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Yn pov
I was about to go to Jungkook when someone came from behind and put something on my mouth and after that I started seeing everything blurry and after that my eyes was closed.

When my eyes opened, I regained consciousness, I saw that I was in a black room and I could not see anything. I tried to get up but both my hands and legs were tied. I called out so that I could know if anyone was here or not. Then I heard a familiar voice and he said........................

??: You woke up.

Yn: Who are you and why have you tied me?

??: How can you forget me so soon??

Yn: who are you tell me??

??: Well I am the one who torments you.

Yn: Many people harass me. Who are you? Among them, I can only say that you are not Jungkook.

??: Well, that Jungkook also bothers you, I thought he loved you If he bothers you then I will kill him, just marry me.

Yn: I love Jungkook, I will marry him and you can't even touch him when I'm there.

??: So what do you do, do you try all the fighting skills dad taught you?

When he said that his dad taught me to fight, only one name came to my mind and that was Jay B.

Yn: Jay B.

Jay B: You took a lot of time to recognize me.

Yn: But you were dead??

Jay B: Yes, that lover of yours had killed me but I was not dead. He had forgotten to check whether I was alive or not because what I said had affected him too much.

Yn: Jungkook killed you???

Jay B: Yes, he was the one who took your brother away from me.

This means that Jungkook did everything for me, he freed my brother for me and I started misunderstanding him because of a small thing which he never did Jungkook is really a very nice person Now I feel ashamed of myself that I too turned out to be exactly like Hana, he behaved like this with me for few days, maybe I deserved all that, I am such a stupid person.

Jay B: I am going to marry you tomorrow and I will kill your lover too. Don't try to run away from here, otherwise your brother's life will also be in danger.

Yn: I will not marry you, you bastard.

Jay B: That will be my choice, not yours.

He left from there but I yelled at him to "untie me" but he went away.
I couldn't see anything in that room that I could find a way out of. I just kept calling him but he didn't come at all.

Yn pov
The next day I woke up and saw that some sunlight was coming through a small window, but that window was very high and small, only my hand could come out through it. I can get out of here even if I fight with him, but he should just free me once...................After some time the door of that room opened and he came and said.............

Jay B: Now it's time for the wedding, let's go.

Yn: I am not going to marry you, you open me once and then I will show you hell.

Jay B: That is why I have kept you tied, I know that then you will start using your hands and legs.

He came to me and untie my legs so that I could walk. He brought me out of that room and then it came to my mind to do something, so I counted all his guards to see how many there were. When I'm done counting them, I kicked Jay B and then all his guards came to catch me like I thought, that's why I was counting them, I beat all his guards one by one, even then my hands were tied, I was using my legs. I was just going towards the gate beating his guards and I didn't look back I ran away from there. When I came far away from his mansion, I found an old man. I asked him to untie me. He untied me and I secretly again came near his mansion and hid.
So that I can kill that Jay B, I again went inside his mansion and I saw that he was ordering his guards to catch me and bring me. I saw that there was guns lying there because some time ago I had beaten a lot of guards, so it might have fallen from them I secretly picked up a gun and put a silencer on the gun and shot at him and went out from there again. I knew that this Jay B must have done something or the other either with Jungkook or with Taehyung. I think more about Taehyung because he can never catch Jungkook, this much I know now. When this person couldn't stand in front of me then he can't even come close to him. So the only thing I can think of is that I should go to Taehyung first. So I went towards his house. After walking for some time, I reached his house. Now I had very little energy left after fighting with those goons and walking a long distance and I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Before I went inside and saw Taehyung, I fainted.

❝𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬❞ 🔞 [ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝  ]Where stories live. Discover now