Chapter 42

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"Err...." I was speechless. I didn't know what to say or how to react so I sat there with my eyes wide and my

mouth dropped open looking like a retard. Stan fiddled with his hands in a nervous manner and roamed his

eyes over my face. He obviously took the expression on my face wrong and shook his head sadly.

"I knew it." He quietly said. "I knew I shouldn't have told you. Well, it was nice of you to come and hear me

out at least. Bye."

"Hey hold on." I quickly shook my head to make my mind clear. "I'm not disgusted or anything. Just

speechless is all. I mean, you just literally did come out of the closet. "

"So... you don't care about me being gay?" He asked with a hopeful look on his face.

"Not at all." I gave him a warm smile. "You're still my friend....but," The hopeful look on his face vanished

when he heard the 'but' part. "I don't think Linkin is gay Stan." I ended with an apologetic look on my face.

He let out a sigh then came and sat down next to me, staring down at the ground with his albows on his

thighs. "I know.."

"Well who knows!" I then said trying to cheer him up and not look like a sad, lost puppy. "I had no idea you

were gay so Linkin could be hiding it as well."

"That's not possible." He shook his head and wiped his hand over his face in a stressed out way. "Before you

came, all he did was chase girls in his spare time. Now it's not so much."

"Yeah, but Stan there is a possibiilty. When I look at you, you don't look gay type. Who knows, Linkin

could be hiding it in a very good way."

He shook his head again. "I don't think so."

"Well you won't know unless you tell him."

"What?" He looked over at me in shock. "That's not going to happen. What if he isn't gay? I would be so

humilated and embarrassed!"

"No." I frowned slightly. "If you don't tell him now, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. You don't need to

be worried Stan. He's not going to judge. He may be a motherf*- I-I mean he may be an ass at times but he

wouldn't do that."

It was silent for a while as Stan thought about what I had told him.

"Yeah..." He cleared his throat. "Your right."

I grabbed onto his hand and smiled at him. "I'll be by yourside when you tell him. There's absolutely nothing

to worry about."

He gave me a shaky smile. "Yes there is. My parents don't know and I have a feeling they won't be to happy

about me being gay."

"Like I said Stan. You won't know what will really happen if you don't tell them. And I personally think it's

better to tell them now then later when they pressure you to get married or find a girl."

"But they are so religious and-"

"No," I shook my head. "It doesn't matter how religious they are. You are still their son and seriously, stop

imaging how it will turn out in your mind. You need to tell them and from there we will figure out what to do

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now