Chapter 28

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I rested my face on my palms and stared uninterestedly at my History teacher who was going on and on about

our new paired assignment. I had just handed one in, in the morning and now I had another one to start on.

Just great.

This is the only reason why I couldnât wait till High school was over but then again four months later it

would just start all over again, except this time in University.

âLike usual in this class, your partner is the person you are sitting next to. If you happen to sit next to

someone you donât want to work with well to bad. You are all seniors, I think itâs about time you stop

whining about who you want to pair up with and instead focus on how well you do in this assignment. It is

worth twenty-five per cent of your overall mark!â Sir said as he handed out the assignment notice sheets

âMax sit down. No movingâ He scolded at Max who was trying to sneakily swap seats with another boy.

âSo be focused and do your best. You canât afford to make any mistakes like you could in Year elevenâ He

finished saying as he returned back to the front of the room âRead it through with your partner and decide

who you want to do the research onâ

I let out a sigh and moved around on my chair and looked at Stanley. I cleared my voice before speaking to

him. âSoâ¦? Who do you want to do it on?â

He shuffled on his seat nervously âErr⦠y-you can chooseâ

I rubbed the side of my temple and looked down at the sheet. I didnât want to be the leader in this group. I

wanted him to be a part of this assignment. That way we both can feel like we deserved the marks equally.

âWhat about number one?â I then asked.

He simple nodded his head. I watched him with a frown wondering why he was acting like this today. He

was all over the place. Couldnât sit still, would fidget with the things around him, not say much even when

spoken to, barely looked up at anyone and his clothes looked all wrinkled and messy.

âStan...â I softly said his name âI need to know that youâre going to try your best in this assignment. If you

have an opinion or something to say, voice it out. Like Sir said, this is twenty-five per cent of our overall


My frown deepened when I saw his bottom lip start quivering like he was about to cry. What the heck?

âO-okâ He jerkily nodded his head up and down and put his head down so low that I couldnât see his face.

What was wrong with him?!

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âAlright thenâ I gently said trying to somewhat make him feel better and not look so intimidated or nervous

around me. I frowned to myself as I sat back properly on my chair. Was I intimidating? Pfft, no way. That

canât be.

The rest of the lesson went by with us not talking a word to each other unless I had to say something. We

divided the assignment in half so that we could equally do the work. I had come to a decision at the end of

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now