Chapter 11

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He was pissed off.

At me.

And It didn't take a genius to figure it out.

I knew it as soon as I walked into Maths class. I was heading in his direction to sit in the seat next to him and

that was when he aimed his angry, narrowed, dark blue eyes at me in accusation and warning. They told me

that if I were to sit next to him than there would be consequences.

What did I do? I stood still like an idiot with my nose wrinkled as I stared back at him. Finally I decided to

take a seat else where just to be safe.

Im sure he wouldn't hurt a female but... he was a street fighter with a bad temper after all. Who knows what

he's capable of.

The lesson went by with me sitting by myself completely confused out of my mind and with him sitting by

himself drawing away as if though the warning he had given me never even happened.

What the HECK did I do to him?!


"What the heck did you do?" Jester asked me as he stared after Hunter who had shouldered past me roughly

after Maths class. I rolled my eyes and grumbled as I rubbed my shoulder.

"I don't know Jesterrr," I whined. "I don't know what I did! He's been like that the entire lesson."

"You sure?" Axel raised an eyebrow at me. "You must have done something to piss him off."

I opened my mouth to defend myself when Alora and Linkin joined us.

"He was like that yesterday as well," Linkin looked over at me in suspicion. "Ever since lunch. Shiny. What

did you do?"


Lunch? I blinked in confusion as I tried to remember back to the events that had happened yesterday.

Wait.....Oh yea! My eyea widened when I remembed him chucking the lolly bag in my lap roughly then

walking away angrily.

"Yeah," I looked at them. "I was on the phone speaking to Stan when Hunter came up to me to give me Axel's

lolly bag. He was angry but I didn't know why."

They shared a look.

"Stan eh?" Linkin wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yeah...." I trailed of not knowing why he wiggled his eyebrows in such a suggestive manner.

"You never told me you had a boyfriend!" Axel accusingly cried out.

I frowned at him "What?"

"You never told me you had a boyfriend!"

"Maybe... cause I don't have one?"

"Then who's Stan?" Alora asked innocently.

"Eww yuck!" I shuddered in disgust. "Stanley's not my boyfriend! He's my cousin."

Axel's expression instantly changed to a relieved one.

"Oh. Well then that's good," He gave my back a pat.

I rolled my eyes and scowled at him briefly just as Jester and Linkin let out a loud laugh catching the

attention of others in the corridor.

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now