Chapter 6

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It's been a little over a month since I first started at Brooke High. And to be honest, I was loving it here. I

was actually looking forward to waking up at seven in the morning, only to go to school.

Why you may ask.

Because of my friends. The group and I (excluding Hunter) had become very close. So much so, that I had

met all their parents. Except for Hunter that is.

He was still a mystery.

The traviano's and Bennett's were all amazing and I had come to know a lot about them.

Alora and Linkin were loaded with money. Their father was a business man and their mother was a fashion


Now Mr and Mrs Bennett didn't fall under the 'I-have-more-money-than-you-so-I-have-the-right-to-be-asnob' category. Infact, they were the most warm hearted caring people I have ever met. Half the money they

earned went to charities and donations. Now that isn't something snobby, rich people would do, unless it was

for attention or just to speak big about themselves at posh parties. No. The Bennett's genuinely did care about

other people's wellbeing.

The Traviano's were on a whole different level. The family consisted of Jester, John (Mr Traviano) and

Jeana (Mrs Traviano). His parents.....were rather strange. Not bad strange, but more like a good, at the same

time crazy strange. They were quiet young. Maybe in their late thirties or early forties. Most of the time they

acted like wild, drunk teenagers.

Which was very entertaining.

Their clothing was also very unique and colourful. They liked to express themselves and liked to say

whatever came into their mind, even if it had nothing to do with what we were conversing about.

What I liked the most about the traviano's was the simplicity of the way they lived. Their house was made out

of shiny wood, shaped like a cute, cottage. It was as if though it came out of a disney film. Seriously, I had no

problem in visiting them only because of the house.

Overall, I loved meeting the twins and Jester's parents.

All I can say is that at this moment, everything was great and life was going in a nice, slow pace. My

relationship with the group was fantastic. And as for Hunter? Well... it was somewhat weird. He had only

spoken to me that one day at Axel's house and that was when I had to change Donny's nappy (One of Axel's

many siblings). From then on, communication between us was silent. It was as if though we understood each

other without using many words, if not any. I was fine with that because I would most likely stutter and make

a fool out of myself if we were to speak.

My impression of Hunter was that he was a calm, quiet yet confident man -he looked way to big

(muscle wise and height) to look like a boy - who never got angry and liked to mind his own business.

But boy was I wrong.

It happened on a beautiful sunny day when I went out of class to go pee. That was the day when I came to

know of Hunter's very scary, violent temper outbursts.


I wiggled in my chair and bit my lip as I tried to prolong my need to pee. I looked at the clock in

desperation, hoping that somehow it would magically move twenty minutes into the future and it would be

lunch time.

I grimaced. Keep dreaming Luna.

I pressed my legs tightly together and glanced at the sleeping Jester slouched beside me then looked around

the silent room to make sure that no one was watching me. It would just be awkward if they were.

Two minutes later, I couldn't bare it anymore and had to go.

I quietly slipped out from my seat and walked to my old biology teacher. He shook his head at me in

dissapointment and gave me a toilet pass with a sigh. With a embarrassed blush, I quickly grabbed it and

walked out the classroom.

What? A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And that's to pee when neccessary.

As soon as the door shut behind me, I stretched my arms up above my head then speed walked down the

corridor in the direction of the toilet.

It was quiet but you could hear one or two teachers, who taught lesson's with loud voice's drift into the


I was about to pass another Biology room, when the door to it all of a sudden slammed open. Because of the

amount of force behind the push, it rebounded of the wall (which now had a beautiful round dent in it) and

was about to shut again but a strong muscular arm stopped it before it could.

The teachers voices I was able to hear, instantly silenced because of the noise the door made when it hit the

wall. It sounded like a loud bang, in the quiet corridor, freezing me half to death. My need to pee was

completely forgotton as I watched the scene unfold in front of me in fear and shock. Mostly shock.

"HUNTER! COME BACK INSIDE AT ONCE!!!" I heard a women's voice shout out from inside the room.

My jaw dropped open as I watched a very pissed of Hunter storm out the room. His arms rippled in tension

and anger. His hands clenched into fists, a dark expression on his face and a small hunch of his shoulders.

The way he walked was almost like a predator, ready to jump on anyone who came in his way.

"HUNTER! GET BACK HERE! NOW!" A woman (Hunter's teacher I'm guessing) walked out of the room with

an angry and scared look on her face. The latter which she was trying to hide but was failing.

I looked at Hunter's wide back, waiting to see what his response was. I jumped a little when he walked past

a locker and punched it. Making a round dent in it (I wonder who's going to pay for this as well.....).

I stared after him - whilst the teacher continued yelling for him to come back - with a frown till he turned a

corner and disappeared from my view.

Hearing another door open, I looked over to the punched locker just as a student male teacher walked out

from a room near it. His mouth dropped open as he stared at it, then looked over at Hunter's teacher with a

raise of his brow.

Knowing that the principal was going to come here anytime soon, I spun around on my heels and rushed off to

the toilets so that I wouldn't be seen.

Why was Hunter so angry?


Shouldn't he know how a body functions bc he's a science teacher.. ugh I never got why teachers would get mad when someone needed to go to

the bathroom. I mean ??????? when you gots ta go you gots ta go

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