Chapter 7

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I scowled at the bunch of idiots who stood around the smashed locker and took pictures of it. Mostly likely

they were going to be uploaded on facebook. I'm pretty sure the word had already got around about what

Hunter had done.

I was grumbling profanities under my breath whilst glaring at them, that I didn't notice a boy with auburn hair

and light brown eyes coming in the opposite direction to me until I bumped into him.

"Oh," I stumbled back and tried to regain my balance. "I'm so sorry. i wasn't watching where I was going."

"Er.. no," He quietly mumbled and bent down to pick up his books. "It's okay. I wasn't watching where I was

going either."

Biting my lip, I bent down to help him.

I gave the cute, chubby-cheeked boy who was about two inches taller than me a smile, then passed him his

books as we stood back up.

"Thanks," His cheeks reddened and he gave me a shy smile in return.

I tilted my head and studied him curiously. I was very observant and nearly knew everyone in this school,

even the ones younger than me, but I had never seen him around before.

"Are you new?" The question slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

"Umm... no."

"Oh," I nodded my head and stood there awkwardly. Students walked around us, some scowling at us for

stopping in the middle of the corridor, but their scowls immediatly vanished when their eyes landed on me.

I quickly wiped my confused frown away and ignored them. Looking back at the boy in front of me, I asked

him his name.


I smiled when I heard his name. My cousin whose name was also Stanley, was like a brother I never had.

Gosh. I just realised that I hadn't spoken to him since I moved schools. I wrinkled my brows. I better make a

call to him soon.

Shaking myself out from my thoughts, I introduced myself to Stanley.

"Well, I better get going," I quietly told him.

"Yes," He nodded his head. "Me to,"

But neither of us made a move to leave.

I let out a small chuckle and he grinned. "Okay then. Bye."

"Bye," He nodded his head again.

We both made our way in the opposite directions. Me, heading outside to eat lunch with the group and

him.....well....... I had no idea.


"Who's he talking to?" I asked Alora as I squinted my eyes and watched Linkin's back speak on the phone.

Lunch was coming to an end and he had been on the phone since it started.

"Hunter," She answered as she to watched him. I turned to her with a frown on my face. "Where'd Hunter


She let out a sigh, "I don't know. But he's not here."

"Don't you know what happened?" Axel asked me as he sat down on the bench beside me, while Jester stood

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now