Chapter 29

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Just like I hoped for, Stanley was warming up to me. Just the other day he smiled at me and greeted

me. I know it's not anything amazing but for me it was seeing as though he was the first to speak to me

instead of me approaching him first. We had also started on our History assignment. I had met up with

him twice at the library and I was still working on him coming to sit with me at break. It was the third

week of term two and work was starting to pile up. Not only for me but also for everyone else in the

group although it wasn't affecting two people. Axel and Alora. I knew something had happened

between them and it wasn't just them holding hands. I was going to get to the bottom of it.

I smiled brightly at Stan when he walked into class on the last day of week three. My smile turned into

a grin when he gave me one back in return shyly. I ignored Hunter's hand on my thigh when it tensed

and tightened as Stan walked in our direction. I don't know what was up with him lately. I was starting

to get afraid that maybe what dad had said about Hunter getting possessive was going to be true. So

far everytime a guy approached me he would get all territorial and possessive, especially around Stan.

I just learnt to ignore it.

"Hi." I greeted Stan as he sat down next to me.

"Hi." He mumbled back and glanced at me briefly from under his eyelashes.

I turned to Mr Braxton and tried to pay attention to him as he wrote down some notes on the board but

couldn't due to Hunter's strong grip on my thigh. I looked over at him with a frown on my face only to

find him clenching and unclencing his jaw like he was trying to control himself.

I cupped his chin and gently turned his head in my direction before connecting my lips with his briefly.

Making out in middle of a lesson wasn't such a good idea. After pulling away, I gave him a small smile

and held onto his hand that was on my thigh before I sat back properly in my seat and paid attention to

what sir was saying.

"Alrighty," Mr Braxton clapped his hand once. "Now that you have your notes to turn to when you

have a problem, you can carry on with the homework I have written on the board."

I looked over at the homework we were meant to do and released a sigh. I let go of Hunter's hand and

opened up the maths text book. Meanwhile, Hunter took out his sketch book and started to draw

something. I sighed again knowing that I would have to help him with his work becuase he most likely

didn't listen to a word Mr Braxton had said through out the lesson.

Smiling to myself a little when I saw the cute concentrated look on his face as he drew, I began to do

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my homework.


Half way into the maths lesson I came to a stop when I came across a difficult question. I bit my lip and

looked over at Hunter but he was still to busy drawing away. I then turned to Stan to find him doing his

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now