Chapter 12

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I walked quietly along the pathway with Hunter following closely behind. So close that I kept thinking his

toes would bump into the back of my heel.

As soon as we had walked away from the station all I had on my mind were a bunch of questions that I knew

I wouldn't get any answers to anytime soon. So I was currently trying very hard to push those questions away

to the back of my mind and trying to not feel self-concious about my backside. Why you may ask. Because I

could feel his eyes on me and I had a big butt that I was very concious about. Big butt and big breasts... Urghh

the things I would do to have them in a smaller size.

I crossed my arms and pressed them tightly against my chest, slight hunching my shoulders up when the wind

blew a bit stronger and colder. It was completely dark which meant I was in deep shit. My parents were

going to go nuts.

I let out a sigh just as I heard a dog bark out from a distance further in front of us all of a sudden. The sound

made me look up and I instantly came to a stand stil when I saw a lanky, big dog run in our direction.

My eyes widened as I roamed my eyes over it's full appearance when it went under neath a street light. It

looked like a stray dog. A hungry, mad eyed stray dog.

I took a step back and my body bumped against Hunter but I payed him no attention because my eyes were

soley focused on the black, skinny dog until I felt him slip his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him

in a protective way.

I looked up at his face to find him glaring down at the dog.

Without a word he slowly pulled me away from the dog while it kept barking at us but it did not make any

move to come closer to us.

I gripped onto Hunter's hand that was around my waist tightly as we walked away.

This was definently one very bad day for me.

We made the rest of the way to my house in uncomfortable silence. Well for me it was uncomfortable, only

because I was so aware of his warm, solid body pressed against the side of my arm.

Finally coming to a stop in front of my house, I turned around to face him with my arms crossed infront of my

chest as he unwrapped his arm from around my waist.

We stood there for a few seconds with him staring at me and with me nervously looking up at him or down at

the beautiful cement ground.

"Umm.." I mumbled quietly whilst glancing up at him quickly. "Thanks.. for helping me back there.. you

know, from that.. that guy.."

"Don't mention it," His response came a bit delayed. "Remember what I told you?"

I looked up and frowned at him in confusion. He took a step closer to me and I glanced at his hand as it came

up and held my left elbow gently.

"I don't want you at the station past five," Goosebumps arose at the sound of his low, husky voice and I tried

to concentrate on what he was trying to say, "Luna," He shook my lightly. "I'm serious."

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now